Unpacking the Public Trust Doctrine: A Journey into Foreign Territory





Environment, environmental protection, natural resources, ownership, American public trust doctrine, private property, public rights, takings, South African public trusteeship, fiduciary trust, stewardship ethic, res omnium communes


The past decade has borne witness to the transformation of South Africa's natural resources law with the introduction of a new legal concept, that of "public trusteeship", to South African jurisprudence.  The concept of "public trusteeship" as it is embodied in South African legislation encapsulates the sovereign's duty to act as guardian of certain interests to the benefit of the nation as a whole.  In the quest to demystify the incorporation of the concept of "public trusteeship" in South Africa, this article, as a first tentative step, focuses solely on the public trust doctrine as it functions in American jurisprudence.  It is the aim of this article to give a thorough theoretical exposition of the development and application of the public trust doctrine in American jurisprudence in order to provide the South African scholar with a perspective on a legal construct founded on the philosophical notion that governments exercise a "fiduciary trust" on behalf of their people.



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American legislation

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Constitution of the State of Hawai’i, 1995

South African legislation

National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998

National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004

National Water Act 36 of 1998

Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002

Register of cases

Register of American cases

Arnold v Mundy 6 NJL 1 (1821)

Barney v City of Keokuk 94 US 324 (1877)

Borough of Neptune City v Borough of Avon-by-the-Sea 61 NJ 296 A 2d 47 (1972)

California Earth Corps v California State Lands Commission 27 Cal Rptr 3d 476 (2005); 2005 Cal LEXIS 625

Caminiti v Boyle 107 Wn 2d 662; 732 P 2d 989 (1987)

City of Milwaukee v State 193 Wis 423; 214 NW 820 (1927)

Glass v Goeckel 473 Mich 667 (2005); 2005 Mich LEXIS 1314

Illinois Central Railroad Company v Illinois 146 US 387 (1892)

In re Water Use Permit Applications 9 P 3d 409 (Hawa 2000)

Kansas ex rel Meek v Hays 785 P 2d 1356 (Kan 1990)

Knight v United States Land Association 142 US 161 (1891)

Landmark West!, Board of Managers of the Parc Vendome Condominium v City of New York and New York City Economic Development Corporation 2005 NY Slip Op 25362; 2005 NY Misc. LEXIS 1853

Lucas v South Carolina 505 US 1003, 112 S Ct 2886 (1992)

Martin v Waddell's Lessee 41 US 367 (Pet) (1842)

Montana Coalition for Stream Access Inc v Curran 682 P 2d 163 (Mont 1984)

Morimoto and Yamada v Board of Land and Natural Resources State of Hawaii 107 Haw 296 (2005)

National Audubon Society v Superior Court of Alpine County 33 Cal 3d 419, 658 P 2d 709, 189 Cal Rptr 346, modified, 33 Cal 3d 726a, cert denied, 104 S Ct 413 (1983)

Orion Corporation v State of Washington 747 P 2d 1062 (Wash 1987)

Parks v Cooper 676 NW 2d 823 (SD 2004)

Penn Central Transportation Company v New York City 438 US 104; 57 L Ed 2d 631 (1978)

Phillips Petroleum Company v Mississippi 484 US 469 (1988); 1988 US LEXIS 939

Raleigh Avenue Beach Association v Atlantis Beach Club, Inc 185 NJ 40 (2005); 2005 NJ LEXIS 932

Shively v Bowlby 152 US 1 (1894)

The Propeller Genesee Chief v Fitzhugh 12 How 443 (1852)

The Times of Trenton Publishing Corporation v Lafayette Yard Community Development Corporation 183 NJ 519 (2005)

Washington State Geoduck Harvest Association v Washington State Department of Natural Resources 124 Wn App 441 (2004); 2004 Wah App LEXIS 2919

Register of German cases

BVerfGE 58, 300 15 July 1981 1 BvL 77/78 (Naßauskiesung case)

Register of South African cases

De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd v Ataqua Mining (Pty) Ltd High Court of South Africa Orange Free State Provincial Division Case 3215/06 13 December 2007 (unreported)

Hichange Investments (Pty) Ltd v Cape Produce Company (Pty) Ltd t/a Pelts Products 2004 1 All SA 636 (E)

Register of Internet sources

Foster 2002 http://bit.ly/huO54l

Foster JB 2002 Marx’s ecology in historical perspective ISM http://bit.ly/huO54l [date of use 24 Jan 2011]

Government of Florida 1968 http://bit.ly/gzVerk

Government of Florida 1968 The Constitution of the State of Florida http://bit.ly/gzVerk [date of use 24 Jan 2011]

Government of Pennsylvania 1874 http://bit.ly/ig90Pd

Government of Pennsylvania 1874 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

http://bit.ly/ig90Pd [date of use 24 Jan 2011]

Locke 1690 http://bit.ly/D1Fvi

Locke J 1690 The second treatise of civil government http://bit.ly/D1Fvi [date of use 24 Jan 2011]






How to Cite

van der Schyff, E. (2010). Unpacking the Public Trust Doctrine: A Journey into Foreign Territory. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 13(5), 121-159. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2010/v13i5a2712

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