The Proprietary Consequences of Customary Marriages: Challenges in the New Regime(s)?




African customary law, customary marriage, matrimonial property


The law governing marriage in South Africa is in transition. There are currently two proposals to reform the proprietary consequences of marriages in South Africa, namely a Marriage Bill [B43-2023], and a South African Law Reform Commission Discussion Paper to review aspects of matrimonial property law. This article assesses the effectiveness of the proposed reform in addressing the current regulatory challenges related to the proprietary consequences of customary marriages. It argues that the piecemeal jurisprudential development of the law has not been effectively reconciled, and this must be addressed in any future reform. However, the Marriage Bill proposed by the Department of Home Affairs is not an answer. The Bill ignores customary notions of property and creates several conceptual difficulties such as potentially leaving customary law marriages without a matrimonial proprietary regime. The South African Law Reform's Discussion Paper, which reviews aspects of matrimonial property law, holds great promise because it proposes a change in the default matrimonial proprietary system and the exclusion of family property from the marital estate. The proposals must be reconciled and informed by living customary law practices to deliver the much-anticipated law reform.


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Author Biography

  • Fatima Osman, University of Cape Town

    Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town




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Civil Union Act 17 of 2006

Divorce Act 70 of 1979

Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987

Marriage Act 25 of 1961

Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984

Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998

Recognition of Customary Marriages Amendment Act 1 of 2021

Reform of Customary Law of Succession and Regulation of Related Matters Act 11 of 2009

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Internet sources

Department of Home Affairs 2024 About Us

index.php/about-us accessed 17 April 2024

Department of Justice and Constitutional Development 2024 Acts/Statutes Administered by the Department

acts/acts_full.html accessed 17 April 2024






How to Cite

Osman, F. (2024). The Proprietary Consequences of Customary Marriages: Challenges in the New Regime(s)?. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 27, (Published on 8 May 2024) pp 1-29.

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