Justificatory Theories for Intellectual Property Viewed Through the Constitutional Prism


  • Mikhalien Du Bois UNISA




constitutional property, intellectual property, justificatory theories, labour theory, reward theory, incentive theory, theory of natural law, excludability, spiritual theories, personality theory, economic theory, theory of natural monopoly, commons


In order to determine the extent to which intellectual property rights should enjoy protection under the constitutional property clause, some of the classical and newer justificatory theories for property may be employed, including the labour theory, reward theory, incentive theory, theory of natural law, spiritual theories, personality theory, economic theory, and theory of natural monopoly. These theories must be applied in line with the Constitution, keeping in mind that other fundamental rights must be balanced with the protection afforded to intellectual property in order to ensure its continued production. It is also important that intellectual property statutes be developed to promote a thriving intellectual commons.

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Author Biography

  • Mikhalien Du Bois, UNISA
    Mercantile Law, Senior Lecturer




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List of Abbreviations

Cambridge LJ Cambridge Law Journal

Cardozo Arts & Ent LJ Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal

Ga LJ Georgia Law Journal

Geo LJ Georgetown Law Journal

Harv L Rev Harvard Law Review

IPQ Intellectual Property Quarterly

JILT Journal of Information, Law and Technology

J L Prop & Soc'y Journal of Law, Property and Society

LT Legal Theory

PELJ Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal

Phil & Pub Aff Philosophy and Public Affairs

SALJ South African Law Journal

SA Merc LJ South African Mercantile Law Journal

Stan L Rev Stanford Law Review

Stell LR Stellenbosch Law Review

THRHR Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg

U Ill L Rev University of Illinois Law Review

UCL Juris Rev UCL Jurisprudence Review

Vand L Rev Vanderbilt Law Review






How to Cite

Du Bois, M. (2018). Justificatory Theories for Intellectual Property Viewed Through the Constitutional Prism. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 21, 1-38. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2018/v21i0a2004

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