Constitutional Court 1995 – 2012: How did the Cases reach the Court, Why did the Court refuse to consider Some of Them, and How Often did the Court Invalidate Laws and Actions?
Constitutional Court, Constitutional Court applications, Constitutional Court invalidations, Constitutional Court refusals to invalidate, Constitutional Court refusals to consider merits, Constitutional Court automatic referralsAbstract
The purpose of this article is to contribute data for the purposes of debates on how effectively the Constitutional Court performed its functions between 1995 and 2012. The cut-off date of 31 December 2012 has no other significance than that it was the last date before the beginning of the year in which this article was written. However, it is envisaged that the Constitution Seventeenth Amendment Act of 2012, which expressly provides that the Constitutional Court will after its commencement have jurisdiction to hear applications on non-constitutional matters. The figures contained in this article could at a later stage be used to determine what effect this amendment might have had on the functioning of the Court. it is envisaged that the Constitution Seventeenth Amendment Act of 2012, which expressly provides that the Constitutional Court will after its commencement have jurisdiction to hear applications on non-constitutional matters, will commence in the course of the second half of 2013. The figures contained in this article could at a later stage also be used to determine what effect this amendment might have had on the functioning of the Court.
Between 1995 and the end of 2012, the Constitutional Court considered 464 applications for review.
The ways in which these 464 applications reached the Court were as follows:
- 35 referrals in terms of the interim Constitution;
- 21 applications and referrals on matters within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court;
- 78 applications for confirmations of parliamentary or provincial laws and actions of the President;
- 45 applications for direct access to the Constitutional Court;
- 101 applications for leave to appeal against judgments of the Supreme Court of Appeal;
- 150 applications for leave to appeal against judgments of other Courts;
- 34 applications concerning previous judgments of the Court and other matters.
The Constitutional Court refused to consider applications in 103 instances and considered the merits of applications in 361 instances. The number of refusals per category is as follows:
- 7 refusals in respect of 35 referrals in terms of the interim Constitution;
- no refusals in respect of 21 applications and referrals on matters within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court;
- 7 refusals in respect of 78 applications for confirmations of parliamentary of provincial laws and actions of the President;
- 34 refusals in respect of 45 applications for direct access to the Constitutional Court;
- 21 refusals in respect of 101 applications for leave to appeal against judgments of the Supreme Court of Appeal;
- 34 refusals in respect of 150 applications for leave to appeal against judgments of other Courts;
- 34 applications concerning previous judgments of the Court and other matters.
The Constitutional Court invalidated in 192 instances legal rules and actions of organs of state and individuals. These invalidations were done in respect of 464 applications for review in all the categories and they were done in respect of 361 instances in which the Court reviewed the merits of applications. 41.39% of the 464 applications received were invalidated. 53.18% of the applications of the merits were considered, was invalidated.
The invalidations in the different categories rules and action were as follows. In respects of:
- Draft constitutional texts – 3 refusals to certify out of 5 texts considered (60%);
- Constitutional amendments – 1 invalidation out of 6 considered (16.66%);
- Acts of Parliament – 85 invalidations out of 165 considered (51.51%);
- Bills of Parliament – 0 invalidations out of 2 considered (0%);
- Acts of Provinces – 6 invalidations out of 11 considered (54.54%);
- Bills of Provinces – 1 invalidations out of 2 considered (50%);
- Local government legislative measures – 2 invalidations out of 5 considered (40%);
- Common law and customary law – 8 invalidations out of 11 considered (72.72%);
- Administrative and executive action – 45 invalidations out of 71 considered (63,38%);
- Court discretionary action – 14 out of 35 considered (40%);
- Action in respect of delict and contract – 7 invalidations out of 14 considered (50%).
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Register of legislation
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 200 of 1993
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
Superior Courts Bill B 7B-2011
Register of court cases
Abahlali Basemjondolo Movement SA v Premier of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal
2 BCLR 99 (CC)
African National Congress v Chief Electoral Officer IEC 2009 10 BCLR 971 (CC), 2010 5 SA 487 (CC)
Albutt v Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation 2010 5 BCLR 391 (CC), 2010 3 SA 293 (CC)
Alexcor Ltd v Richtersveld Community 2003 12 BCLR 1301 (CC), 2004 5 SA 460 (CC)
August v Independent Electoral Commission 1999 4 BCLR 382 (CC), 1999 3 SA 1 (CC)
AZAPO v President of the RSA 1996 8 BCLR 1015 (CC), 1996 4 SA 671 (CC)
Bannatyne v Bannatyne 2003 2 BCLR 111 (CC), 2003 2 SA 363 (CC)
Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism 2004 7 BCLR 687 (CC), 2004 4 SA 490 (CC)
Bengwenyama Minerals (Pty) Ltd v Genorah Resources (Pty) Ltd 2011 3 BCLR 229 (CC), 2011 4 SA 113 (CC)
Besserglik v Minister of Trade and Industry and Tourism 1996 6 BCLR 745 (CC), 1996 4 SA 331 (CC)
Bhe v Khayelitsha Magistrate; Sibi v Sithole 2005 1 BCLR 1 (CC), 2005 1 SA 580 (CC) Billiton Aliminium SA Ltd t/a Hillside Aluminium v Khanyile 2010 5 BCLR 422 (CC) Boesak v S 2001 1 BCLR 36 (CC), 2001 1 SA 912 (CC)
Bogaards v S 2012 12 BCLR 1261 (CC)
Bruce v Fleecytex Johannesburg CC 1998 4 BCLR 415 (CC), 1998 2 SA 1143 (CC)
Brümmer v Gorfil Bros Investment (Pty) Ltd 2000 5 BCLR 465 (CC), 2000 2 SA 837 (CC)
Carmichele v Minister of Safety and Security and the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development 2001 10 BCLR 995 (CC), 2001 4 SA 938 (CC)
Certification of the Amended Text of the Constitution of the RSA, 1996 1997 1 BCLR 1 (CC), 1997 2 SA 97 (CC)
Certification of the Amended Text of the Constitution of the Western Cape 1997 12 BCLR 1653 (CC), 1998 1 SA 655 (CC)
Certification of the Constitution of Province of KwaZulu-Natal, 1996 1996 11 BCLR 1419 (CC), 1996 4 SA 1098 (CC)
Certification of the Constitution of the RSA, 1996 1996 10 BCLR 1253 (CC), 1996 4
SA 744 (CC)
Certification of the Constitution of the Western Cape, 1997 1997 9 BCLR 1167 (CC), 1997 4 SA 1076 (CC)
Chagi v Special Investigating Unit 2009 3 BCLR 227 (CC), 2009 1 SACR 339 (CC)
Chirwa v Transnet Ltd 2008 3 BCLR 251 (CC), 2008 4 SA 367 (CC)
Chonco v President of the RSA 2010 6 BCLR 511 (CC)
Christian Education of SA v Minister of Education 1998 12 BCLR 1449 (CC), 1999 2
SA 83
City Council of Pretoria v Walker 1998 3 BCLR 257 (CC), 1998 2 SA 363 (CC)
City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Blue Moonlight Properties (Pty) Ltd
2 BCLR 150 (CC), 2012 2 SA 104 (CC)
Competition Commission of SA v Senwes Ltd 2012 7 BCLR 667 (CC)
Competition Commission v Yara SA (Pty) Ltd 2012 9 BCLR 932 (CC)
Crown Restaurant CC v Gold Reef City Theme Park (Pty) Ltd 2007 5 BCLR 453 (CC), 2008 4 SA 16 (CC)
Democratic Alliance v President of the RSA 2012 12 BCLR 1261 (CC)
Department of Land Affairs v Goedgelegen Tropical Fruits (Pty) Ltd 2007 10 BCLR 1027 (CC), 2007 6 SA 199 (CC)
Director of Public Prosecutions: Cape of Good Hope v Robinson 2005 2 BCLR 103 (CC), 2002 6 SA 642 (CC)
Director of Public Prosecutions: Cape of Good Hope v Robinson 2005 3 BCLR 231 (CC), 2005 4 SA 1 (CC)
Dlamini, Dladla, Joubert, Schietekat v State 1999 7 BCLR 771 (CC), 1999 4 SA 632 (CC)
Doctors for Life International v Speaker of the National Assembly 2006 12 BCLR 1399 (CC), 2006 6 SA 416 (CC)
Dudley v City of Cape Town 2004 8 BCLR 805 (CC), 2005 5 SA 429 (CC) Electoral Commission of the RSA v Inkatha Freedom Party 2011 9 BCLR 943 (CC) Engelbrecht v Road Accident Fund 2007 5 BCLR 457 (CC), 2007 6 SA 96 (CC)
Ex parte Mercer 2003 1 SA 203 (CC)
Ex parte Omar 2003 10 BCLR 1087 (CC), 2004 2 SA 284 (CC)
Ex parte Western Cape Provincial Government: In re DVB Behuising v North West Provincial Government 2000 4 BCLR 147 (CC), 2000 1 SA 500 (CC)
Executive Council of the Province of the Western Cape v Minister of Provincial Affairs and Constitutional Development; Executive Council of KwaZulu-Natal v President of the RSA 1999 12 BCLR 1360 (CC), 2000 1 SA 661 (CC)
Executive Council of the Western Cape Legislature v President of the RSA 1995 10 BCLR 1289 (CC), 1995 4 SA 877 (CC)
F v Minister of Safety and Security 2012 3 BCLR 244 (CC), 2012 1 SA 536 (CC)
Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council
12 BCLR 1458 (CC), 1999 1 SA 374 (CC)
First National Bank t/a v Commissioner SA Revenue Service 2002 7 BCLR 702 (CC) 2002 4 SA 768 (CC)
Fourie v Minister of Home Affairs 2003 10 BCLR 1092 (CC), 2003 3 SA 501 (CC)
Fraser v Naude 1998 11 BCLR 1357 (CC), 1999 1 SA 1 (CC)
Fuel Retailers Association of SA v Director General: Environmental Management
10 BCLR 1059 (CC), 2007 6 SA 4 (CC)
Gcali v MEC for Housing and Local Government, Eastern Cape 2003 11 BCLR 1203 (CC)
Glenister v President of the RSA 2011 7 BCLR 651 (CC), 2011 3 SA 347 (CC)
Grootboom v Government of the RSA 2000 11 BCLR 775 (CC), 2000 4 SA 1078 (CC)
Gundwana v Steko Development CC 2011 8 BCLR 792 (CC), 2011 3 SA 608 (CC)
Head Department of Education Limpopo Province v Settlers Agricultural High School
11 BCLR 1212 (CC)
Head of Department: Mpumalanga Department of Education v Hoërskool Ermelo
3 BCLR 177 (CC), 2010 2 SA 415 (CC)
Hlope v Premier of the Western Cape Province; Hlope v Freedom Under the Law
1 BCLR 1 (CC)
Hoffmann v SAA 2000 11 BCLR 1211 (CC), 2001 SA 1 (CC)
In re Constitutionality of the Mpumalanga Petitions Bill 2001 11 BCLR 126 (CC), 2002 1 SA 447 (CC)
In re: KwaZulu-Natal Amakhosi and Iziphakanyiswa Amendment Bill of 1995 1996 7 BCLR 903 (CC), 1996 4 SA 653 (CC)
In re: The National Education Policy Bill No 83 of 1995 1996 4 BCLR 518 (CC), 1996
SA 289 (CC)
In re:The School Education Bill of 1995 (Gauteng) 1996 4 BCLR 537 (CC), 1996 3 SA
Independent Newspapers (Pty) Ltd v Minister for Intelligence Services 2008 8 BCLR 771 (CC), 2008 5 SA 31 (CC)
Institute for Security Studies: In re S v Basson 2006 6 SA 195 (CC)
International Trade Administration Commission v SCAW SA (Pty) Ltd 2010 5 BCLR 457 (CC)
Islamic Unity Convention v ICASA 2002 5 BCLR 433 (CC), 2002 4 SA 294 (CC)
Janse van Rensburg v Minister of Trade and Industry 2000 11 BCLR 1235 (CC), 2001 1 SA 29 (CC)
Japhta v Schoeman 2005 1 BCLR 78 (CC), 2005 2 SA 140 (CC)
Joseph v City of Johannesburg 2010 3 BCLR 212 (CC), 2010 4 SA 55 (CC)
Justice Alliance of South Africa v President of RSA, Centre for Applied Legal Studies v President of RSA 2011 5 SA 388 (CC); 2011 10 BCLR 1017 (CC)
K v Minister of Safety and Security 2005 9 BCLR 835 (CC), 2005 6 SA 419 (CC)
Key v Attorney-General, Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division 1996 6 BCLR 788 (CC), 1996 4 SA 187 (CC)
Kruger v President of the RSA 2009 3 BCLR 268 (CC), 2009 1 SA 417 (CC)
Larbi-Odam v MEC for Education (North West Province) 1997 12 BCLR 1655 (CC), 1998 1 SA 745 (CC)
Le Roux v Dey 2011 6 BCLR 577 (CC), 2011 3 SA 274 (CC)
Lesapo v North West Agricultural Bank 1999 12 BCLR 1429 (CC), 2000 1 SA 409 (CC)
Levy v Glynos (not reported) CCT 29/00 of 21 November 2000
Liberal Party v Electoral Commission 2004 8 BCLR 810 (CC)
Lufuno Mphaphuli and Associates (Pty) Ltd v Andrews 2009 6 BCLR 527 (CC), 2009 4 SA 529 (CC)
Luitingh v Minister of Defence 1996 4 BCLR 581 (CC), 1996 2 SA 909 (CC)
Mabaso v Law Society of the Northern Province 2005 2 BCLR 129 (CC), 2005 2 SA
Machele v Mailula 2009 8 BCLR 767 (CC), 2010 2 SA 257 (CC)
Macsand (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town 2012 7 BCLR 690 (CC), 2012 4 SA 181 (CC)
Magajane v Chairperson, North West Gambling Board 2006 10 BCLR 1133 (CC), 2006 5 SA 250 (CC)
Maphango v Aengus Properties (Pty) Ltd 2012 5 BLCR 449 (CC), 2013 3 SA 531 (CC)
Masethla v President of the RSA 2008 1 BCLR 1 (CC)
Mashava v President of the RSA 2005 2 SA 476 (CC), 2004 12 BCLR 1243 (CC)
Masiya v Director of Public Prosecutions Pretoria 2007 8 BCLR 827 (CC), 2007 5 SA
Matatiele Municipality v President of the RSA (1) 2006 5 BCLR 622 (CC); 2006 (5) SA
Matatiele Municipality v President of the RSA (2) 2007 1 BCLR 47 (CC)
MEC for Education KwaZulu-Natal v Pillay 2008 2 BCLR 99 (CC), 2008 1 SA 474 (CC)
Merafong Demarcation Forum v President of the RSA 2008 10 BCLR 968 (CC), 2008 5 SA 171 (CC)
Minister of Education v Harris 2001 11 BCLR 1157 (CC), 2001 4 SA 1297 (CC)
Minister of Health v New Clicks SA (Pty) Ltd In re: Application for Declaratory Relief
8 BCLR 872 (CC), 2006 2 SA 311 (CC)
Minister of Health v TAC (1) 2002 10 BCLR 1033 (CC), 2002 5 SA 703 (CC)
Minister of Home Affairs v Fourie 2006 3 BCLR 355 (CC), 2006 1 SA 524 (CC)
Minister of Home Affairs v Liebenberg 2001 11 BCLR 1168 (CC), 2002 1 SA 21 (CC)
Minister of Home Affairs v NICRO 2004 5 BCLR 445 (CC), 2005 3 SA 280 (CC)
Minister of Justice v Ntuli 1997 6 BCLR 677 (CC), 1997 3 SA 772 (CC) Minister of Safety and Security v Van der Merwe 2011 9 BCLR 961 (CC) Mkangeli v Joubert 2001 4 BCLR 316 (CC), 2001 2 SA 1191 (CC)
Mkontwana v Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality, Bisset v Buffalo Municipality, Transfer Rights Action Campaign v MEC for Local Government and Housing Gauteng 2005 2 BCLR 150 (CC), 2005 1 SA 530 (CC)
Mnguni v Minister of Correctional Services 2005 12 BCLR 1187 (CC)
Mohamed v President of the RSA 2001 7 BCLR 685 (CC), 2001 3 SA 893 (CC)
Mohunram v National Director of Public Prosecutions 2007 6 BCLR 575 (CC); 2007 4
SA 222 (CC)
Moloi v Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development 2010 5 BCLR 497 (CC)
Motsepe v Commissioner for Inland Revenue 1997 6 BCLR 692 (CC), 1997 2 SA 898 (CC)
Moutse Demarcation Forum v President of the RSA 2011 11 BCLR 1158 (CC)
Mphela v Haakdoornbult Boerdery CC 2008 7 BCLR 675 (CC), 2008 4 SA 488 (CC)
Mthembu v S 2010 7 BCLR 636 (CC)
Municipality of Plettenberg Bay v Van Dyk & Co Inc 2004 2 BCLR 113 (CC)
National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality v Minister of Home Affairs 2001 1 BCLR 39 (CC), 2000 2 SA 1 (CC)
National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality v Minister of Justice 1998 12 BCLR 1517 (CC), 1999 1 SA 6 (CC)
National Director of Public Prosecutions v Mohamed 2002 9 BCLR 970 (CC), 2002 4
SA 843 (CC)
National Police Service Union v Minister of Safety and Security 2001 1 BLCR 775 (CC), 2000 4 SA 1110 (CC)
National Treasury v Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance 2012 11 BCLR 1148 (CC), 2012 6 SA 223 (CC)
Niemand v State 2002 3 BCLR 219 (CC), 2002 1 SA 21 (CC)
Njongi v MEC, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape 2008 6 BCLR 571 (CC), 2008 4
SA 237 (CC)
Occupiers of 51 Olivia Road, Berea Township and 197 Main Street Johannesburg v City of Johannesburg 2008 5 BCLR 475 (CC), 2008 3 SA 208 (CC)
Occupiers of Portion R25 of the Farm Mooiplaats 355 JR v Golden Thread Ltd 2012 4 BCLR 372 (CC), 2012 2 SA 337 (CC)
Occupiers of Skurweplaas 353 JR v PPC Aggregate Quarries (Pty) Ltd 2012 4 BCLR 382 (CC)
Pennington v Summerley 1997 10 BCLR 1413 (CC), 1997 4 SA 1076 (CC)
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA. In re: Ex parte Application of the President of the RSA 2003 3 BCLR 241 (CC), 2000 2 SA 674 (CC)
Pheko v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality 2012 4 BCLR 388 (CC), 2012 2 SA 598 (CC)
Phenithi v Minister of Education 2003 11 BCLR 1217 (CC)
Phillips v National Director of Public Prosecutions 2006 2 BLCR 274 (CC), 2006 1 SA
Port Elizabeth Municipality v Various Occupiers 2004 12 BCLR 1268 (CC), 2005 1 SA
Poverty Alliance Network v President of the RSA 2010 6 BCLR 520 (CC)
Premier Kwa-Zulu Natal v President of the RSA 1995 12 BCLR 1561 (CC), 1996 1 SA
Premier of the Province of the Western Cape v Electoral Commission 1999 11 BCLR 1209 (CC)
Premier: Limpopo Province v Speaker: Limpopo Province 2011 11 BCLR 1181 (CC), 2011 6 SA 396 (CC)
Premier: Limpopo Province v Speaker of the Limpopo Provincial Legislature 2012 6 BCLR 583 (CC), 2012 4 SA 58 (CC)
Premier, Province of Mpumalanga v Executive Committee of the Association of Governing Bodies of State Aided Schools 1999 2 BCLR 151 (CC), 1999 2 SA
President of the Ordinary Court Martial v Freedom of Expression Institute 1999 11 BCLR 1219 (CC), 1999 4 SA 682 (CC)
President of the RSA v Modderklip Boerdery (Pty) Ltd 2005 8 BCLR 786 (CC), 2005 5
SA 3 (CC)
President of the RSA v SARFU 1999 2 BCLR 175 (CC), 1999 2 SA 14 (CC)
President of the RSA v SARFU 1999 10 BCLR 1059 (CC), 2000 1 SA 1 (CC)
Prince v President of the Law Society of Good Hope 2001 2 BCLR 133 (CC)
Print Media SA v Minister of Home Affairs 2012 12 BCLR 1364 (CC), 2012 6 SA 443 (CC)
Radio Pretoria v Chairperson ICASA 2005 3 BCLR 231 (CC), 2005 4 SA 319 (CC)
Ramakatsa v Magashule 2013 2 BCLR 202 (CC)
Reflect-All 1025 CC v MEC for Public Transport, Roads and Works, Gauteng Provincial Government 2010 1 BCLR 61 (CC), 2009 6 SA 391 (CC)
Rudolph v Commissioner for Inland Revenue 1996 7 BCLR 889 (CC), 1996 4 SA 552 (CC)
S v Basson 2005 12 BCLR 1192 (CC), 2007 3 SA 582 (CC)
S v Bequinot 1996 12 BCLR 1588 (CC), 1997 2 SA 887 (CC)
S v Bierman 2002 10 BCLR 1078 (CC), 2002 5 SA 243 (CC)
S v M 2007 12 BCLR 1312 (CC), 2008 3 SA 232 (CC)
S v Makwanyane 1995 6 BCLR 665 (CC), 1995 3 SA 391 (CC)
S v Mamabolo 2001 3 SA 409 (CC), 2001 5 BCLR 449 (CC)
S v Marais 2010 12 BCLR 1223 (CC), 2011 1 SA 502 (CC)
S v Mello 1998 7 BCLR 908 (CC), 1998 3 SA 712 (CC)
S v Molimi 2008 5 BCLR 451 (CC), 2008 3 SA 608 (CC)
S v Shinga, S v O’Connell 2007 5 BCLR 474 (CC)
S v Shongwe 2003 8 BCLR 858 (CC), 2003 5 SA 276 (CC)
S v State 2001 1 BCLR 52 (CC), 2001 1 SA 1146 (CC)
S v Thunzi 2011 3 BCLR 281 (CC)
S v Van Nell 1998 8 BCLR 943 (CC)
S v Van Rooyen 2002 8 BCLR 810 (CC), 2002 5 SA 246 (CC)
S v Western Areas Ltd 2004 8 BCLR 819 (CC)
SA Asssociation of Personal Injury Lawyers v Heath 2001 1 BCLR 77 (CC), 2001 1 SA
Satchwell v President of the RSA 2004 1 BCLR 1 (CC), 2003 4 SA 266 (CC)
Schubart Park Residents’ Association v City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
1 BCLR 68 (CC), 2013 1 SA 323 (CC)
Shaik v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development 2004 4 BCLR 133 (CC), 2004 3 SA 599 (CC)
Sheard v Land and Agricultural Bank of SA, FNB of SA v Land and Agricultural Bank of SA 2000 8 BCLR 876 (CC), 2000 3 SA 626 (CC)
Shilubane v Mwamitwa 2008 9 BCLR 914 (CC), 2009 2 SA 66 (CC)
Shongwe v S 2003 8 BCLR 858 (CC), 2003 5 SA 276 (CC)
Sidumo v Rustenburg Platinum Mines Ltd 2008 2 BCLR 158 (CC), 2008 2 SA 24 (CC)
South African Liquor Traders Association v Chairperson Gauteng Liquor Board 2006 8 BCLR 901 (CC), 2009 1 SA 565 (CC)
Strategic Liquor Services v Mvumbi 2009 10 BCLR 1046 (CC), 2010 2 SA 92 (CC)
Stuttafords Stores (Pty) Ltd v Salt of the Earth Creations (Pty) Ltd 2010 11 BCLR 1134 (CC), 2011 1 SA 267 (CC)
Swartbooi v Brink 2003 1 BCLR 21 (CC), 2003 2 SA 34 (CC)
Transvaal Agricultural Union v Minister of Land Affairs 1996 12 BCLR 1573 (CC), 1997 2 SA 621 (CC)
Tsotetsi v Mutual and Federal Insurance Company Ltd 1996 11 BCLR 1439 (CC), 1997 1 SA 585 (CC)
UDM v President of the RSA (1) 2002 11 BCLR 1179 (CC), 2003 1 SA 495 (CC)
University of Witwatersrand Law Clinic v Minister of Home Affairs 2007 7 BCLR 821 (CC)
Uthukela District Municipality v President of the RSA 2002 11 BCLR 1220 (CC), 2003 1 SA 678 (CC)
Van Straaten v President of the RSA 2009 5 BCLR 480 (CC), 2009 3 SA 457 (CC)
Van Vuren v Minister of Correctional Services 2010 12 BCLR 1233 (CC)
Veldman v Director of Public Prosecutions (WLD) 2007 9 BCLR 929 (CC), 2007 3 SA
Viking Pony Africa Pumps (Pty) Ltd v Hidro-Tech Systems (Pty) Ltd 2011 2 BCLR 207 (CC), 2011 1 SA 327 (CC)
Von Abo v President of the RSA 2009 10 BCLR 1052 (CC), 2009 5 SA 345 (CC)
Walele v City of Cape Town 2008 11 BCLR 1067 (CC), 2008 6 SA 129 (CC)
Wallach v High Court of SA (WLD) 2003 5 SA 273 (CC)
Wallach v Registrar of Deeds (Pretoria), Wallach v Splig 2004 3 BCLR 229 (CC)
Weare v Ndeble 2009 4 BCLR 370 (CC), 2009 1 SA 600 (CC)
Wiese v Government Employees Pension Fund 2012 6 BCLR 599 (CC) Women’s Legal Centre Trust v President of the RSA 2009 6 SA 94 (CC) Von Abo v President of SA 2009 10 BCLR 1052 (CC), 2009 5 SA 345 (CC)
Xinwa v Volkswagen of SA (Pty) Ltd 2003 6 BCLR 575 (CC), 2003 4 SA 390 (CC)
Zealand v Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development 2008 6 BCLR 601 (CC), 2008 4 SA 458 (CC)
Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government Affairs 2005 4 BCLR 347 (CC), 2005 3 SA 598 (CC)
Register of internet sources
SAFLII 1995-2012
SAFLII 1995-2013 South Africa: Constitutional Court [date of use 22 May 2013]
Copyright (c) 2017 IM Rautenbach

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.