The Application of Section 8(3) of the Constitution in the Development of Customary Law Values in South Africa's New Constitutional Dispensation




Constitution, customary law, common law, potjiekos, jurisprudence, law



The constitutional recognition of customary law alongside common law in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 is highly commendable. It also raises the question of whether or not the recognition was undertaken out of genuine respect for customary law or merely forgotten in section 8(3) of the Constitution. It is argued that the exclusion of customary law from the provision of the section is nothing more than the advancement of the dominant status enjoyed by common law, as was the case before the dawn of democracy. This argument is limited to the application of section 8(3) and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, without focusing on the shortcomings of the latter in relation to the remedies provided in the resolution of disputes arising from customary law.



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How to Cite

Ntlama, N. (2017). The Application of Section 8(3) of the Constitution in the Development of Customary Law Values in South Africa’s New Constitutional Dispensation. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 15(1), 23-44.

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