Die rol van en beperkings op die regbank om sosiale vrede in Suid-Afrika te bevorder
Judiciary, social justice, court administration, professional ethics, democracyAbstract
Judge Eberhard Bertelsmann of the North Gauteng High Court delivered the address published here as he delivered it in Afrikaans in the series of FW de Klerk lectures in Potchefstroom on 20 February 2012. He dealt with the role of and limitations on the judiciary to promote social peace in South Africa, pointing out the achievements of the courts in the establishment of the constitutional dispensation over the past decades. He however also showed that the courts are over-burdened and that court administration leaves much to be desired. Litigants and practitioners do not hesitate to abuse the system and ugly incidents of unethical conduct have marred the professions. Judges however do not take these trends lying down and measures to rectify the situation are well underway. Fair, understandable, predictable and speedy adjudication without fear, favour or prejudice continues to be the contribution of judges to the protection of the South African democracy.
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De Vos P "Grootboom, the right to housing and substantive equality as contextual fairness" 2001 SAJHR 258-276
Liebenberg 2002 Law, Democracy and Development
Liebenberg S "South Africa's evolving jurisprudence on socio-economic rights: An effective tool in challenging poverty?" 2002 Law, Democracy and Development 159-191
Mbazira 2008 SALJ
Mbazira C "Appropriate, just and equitable relief in socio-economic rights litigation: the tension between corrective and distributive forms of justice" 2008 SALJ 71-94
Register van sake
Absa Bank Ltd v Ntsane 2007 3 SA 554 (T)
AD and DD v DW 2008 3 SA 183 (CC)
Afriforum v Malema 2011 6 SA 240 (EqC)
Brink v Kitshoff 1996 4 SA 197 (CC)
Certification of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 1996 4 SA 744 (CC)
Director of Public Prosecutions, Transvaal v Minister of Justice 2009 4 SA 222 (CC)
Governing Body of the Juma Musjid Primary School v Essay 2011 8 BCLR 761 (CC)
Government of the Republic of South Africa v Grootboom 2000 11 BCLR 1169 (CC)
Gundwane v Steko Development 2011 3 SA 608 (CC)
Hoërskool Ermelo v Head of Department, Mpumalanga Department of Education 2010 2 SA 415 (CC)
Hoffmann v South African Airways 2001 1 SA 1 (CC)
J v J 2008 6 SA 30 (C)
Jaftha v Schoeman; Van Rooyen v Stolz 2005 2 SA 140 (CC)
Laerskool Middelburg v Departementshoof: Mpumalanga Departement Onderwys 2003 4 SA 160 (T)
Lourens v President van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika Saakno 49807/09, Gauteng Noord Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria
Minister of Health v TAC (No 2) 2002 5 SA 721 (CC)
Pretoria Society of Advocates v Geach 2011 6 SA 441 (GNP)
Prokureursorde van Transvaal v Kleynhans 1995 1 SA 839 (T)
Residents of Joe Slovo Community, Western Cape v Thubelisha Homes 2010 3 SA 454 (CC)
Satchwell v The President of the Republic of South Africa 2002 (6) SA 1 (CC)
Soobramoney v Minister of Health (Kwazulu-Natal) 1998 1 SA 765 (CC)
Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd v Saunderson 2006 2 SA 264 (SCA)
Register van internetbronne
Anon Date unknown en.wikipedia.org
Anon Date unknown Peace en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace [datum van gebruik 21 Mei 2012]
Copyright (c) 2017 Eberhard Bertelsmann

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