European and American Perspectives on the Choice of Law Regarding Cross-Border Insolvencies of Multinational Corporations – Suggestions for South Africa
Cross-border insolvency, CBI, UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, European Council Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings, insolvency of integrated multinational enterprisesAbstract
An increase in economic globalisation and international trade has amounted to an increase in the number of multinational enterprises that have debt, own assets and conduct business in various jurisdictions around the world. This, coupled with the recent worldwide economic recession, has inevitably caused the increased occurrence of multinational financial default, also known as cross-border insolvency (CBI).
The legal response to this trend has, inter alia, produced two important international instruments that were designed to address key issues associated with CBI. Firstly, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (the Model Law) in 1997, which has been adopted by nineteen countries including the United States of America and South Africa. Secondly, the European Union (EU) adopted the European Council Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings (EC Regulation) in 2000. Both the EC Regulation and Chapter 15 adopt a “modified universalist” approach towards CBI matters.
Europe and the United States of America are currently the world leaders in the area of CBI and the CBI legislation adopted and applied in these jurisdictions seems to be effective. As South Africa’s Cross-Border Insolvency Act is not yet effective, there is no local policy guidance available to insolvency practitioners with regard to the application of the Model Law. At the basis of this article is the view that an analysis of the European and American approaches to CBI matters will provide South African practitioners with valuable insight, knowledge and lessons that could be used to understand and apply the principles adopted and applied in terms of the EC Regulation and Chapter 15, specifically the COMI concept, the “establishment” concept in the case of integrated multinational enterprises and related aspects.
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United States
Canada S Ry Co v Gebhard 109 US 527 (1883)
Genesis Health Ventures, Inc v Stapleton (In re Genesis Health Ventures Inc) 402 F3d 416 (3rd Cir 2005)
In re Basis Yield Alpha Fund (Master) 381 BR 37 (Bankr SDNY 2008)
In re Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Master Fund Ltd 374 BR 122 (Bankr SDNY 2007)
In re Betcorp Ltd 400 BR 266
In re British American Isle of Venice (BVI) Ltd 441 BR 713 (Bankr SD Fla 2010)
In re Commercial Envelope Mfg Co 3 Bankr Ct Dec 647 1977 WL 182366 (Bankr SDNY 1977)
In re Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products NV 301 BR 651 (Bankr D Del 2003)
In re Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products NV 308 BR 672 (D Del 2004)
In re Maxwell Communications Corp 170 BR 800 (Bankr SDNY 1994)
In re Millennium Global Emerging Credit Master Fund Ltd 458 BR 63 (Bankr SDNY 2011)
In re Muscletech Research and Development Order of Judge Rakoff 04 MD 1598, 06 Civ 538 (SDNY)
In re Owens Corning 419 F3d 195 (3rd Cir 2005)
In re SPhinX 351 BR 103 2006 371 BR 10 (SDNY)
In re Tri-Continental Exchange Ltd 349 BR 627, 47 Bankr Ct Dec 31
Lavie v Ran (In re Ran) 607 F3d 1017 (5th Cir 2010)
Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products NV v Stonington Partners Inc 268 BR 395 (D Del 2001)
Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products NV v Stonington Partners Inc 310 F3d 118 (3d Cir 2002)
Soviero v National Bank of Long Island 328 F2d 446 (2d Cir 1964)
Register of legislation and government publications
European Union
Council Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on Insolvency Proceedings
South Africa
Cross-Border Insolvency Act 42 of 2000
United Kingdom
Companies Act of 2006
United States
American Law Institute's Principles of Cooperation Among NAFTA Countries (2003) (the ALI principles)
Chapter 15 of the United States Bankruptcy Code
US House Report (HR Rep No 109-31 (2005))
Register of international instruments
Convention on the International Sale of Goods (1980)
EU Convention on Insolvency Proceedings (1995)
Guide to Enactment of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, UN Gen Ass UNCITRAL 30th sess, UN Doc A/CN.9/442 (1997)
UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (1997)
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985)
UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law, Part One (2005)
UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law, Part Three: Treatment of Enterprise Groups in Insolvency (2010)
Register of internet sources
UNCITRAL 1997 UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency [date of use 1 Nov 2010]
Copyright (c) 2017 Jeanette Weideman, Leonie Stander

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.