The Use of Force in Effecting Arrest in South Africa and the 2010 Bill: a Step in the Right Direction


  • Tharien van der Walt North West University(Potchefstroom Campus)



Use of force in effecting arrest, Section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Act, reasonable, proportional and necessary force, deadly force, national arrest law manual, application of the use of force in practice


In South Africa the use of force in effecting arrest is statutorily governed by section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977.  The inception of the Constitution brought about a dramatic change in South African law in this regard.  During 2001 and 2002 the two highest courts in the country had to decide on the constitutionality of sections 49(1) and 49(2) respectively.  The Supreme Court of Appeal in Govender v Minister of Safety and Security 2001 2 SACR 197 (SCA)  did not declare section 49(1) unconstitutional but found it had to be interpreted restrictively ("read down") to survive constitutional scrutiny.  The Constitutional Court on the other hand confirmed the unconstitutionality of section 49(2) in S v Walters 2002 2 SACR 105 (CC) and the section was declared invalid.  By then (as early as 1998) the legislature had already promulgated an amendment to section 49, but the amendment came into operation only in 2003 after section 49 had undergone intensive constitutional scrutiny.  Legal scholars and others raised serious objections against the amendment – some were even of the opinion that it created a "right to flee" and that the rights of perpetrators were protected to the detriment of law-abiding citizens.  The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development in 2010 drafted an Amendment Bill which was subsequently approved in Parliament.  This paper discusses and concludes on: the developments over the last years in the South African law with regard to the use of force in effecting arrest by the South African Police Service (SAPS); international policies and guidelines of the police in this regard; and the application of the provisions of the Amendment Bill in practice and the possible pitfalls in the application of the latter. 



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Register of court cases

Govender v Minister of Safety and Security 2001 2 SACR 197 (SCA)

Macu v Du Toit 1983 4 SA 629 (A)

Matlou v Makhubedu 1978 1 SA 946 (A)

R v Britz 1949 3 SA 293 (A)

R v Labuschagne 1960 1 SA 632 (A)

S v Bhulwana 1996 1 SA 388 (CC)

S v Makwanyane 1995 3 SA 391 (CC)

S v Manamela 2000 3 SA 1 (CC)

S v Singo 2002 4 SA 858 (CC)

S v Swanepoel 1985 1 SA 576 (A)

S v Walters 2002 2 SACR 105 (CC)

Register of legislation

Cape of Good Hope Ordinance 2 of 1837

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Corrections and Conditional Release Act, S.C. 1992, c. 20

Criminal Procedure Act 31 of 1917

Criminal Procedure Act 56 of 1955

Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977

Judicial Matters Second Amendment Act 122 of 1998

The Criminal Code of Canada (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)

Transvaal Criminal Procedure Ordinance 1 of 1903

Register of government publications

Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill B39-2010

GN 1636 in GG 19590 of 11 December 1998 (Judicial Matters Second Amendment Act 122 of 1998)

Proclamation 54 in GG 25206 of 11 July 2003.

Register of international instruments

International Association of Chiefs of Police Model Policy on the Use of Force

United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials

Register of internet sources

Annual Report

Annual Report 2006-2004 report_ released/ annual_reports/2006-2004/icd03report.pdf.

Annual Report 2008/09 ( documents/ report_ released /annual_reports/2008-2009/AnnualReport2008-09.pdf)

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Media Statement Independent Complaints Directorate

Media Statement Independent Complaints Directorate ICD in its Media Release on 25 March 2010 /media_statements /25032010.asp.

Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development 2010

Department of Justice and Constitutional Development 2010 Draft Criminal Procedure Amendment Bill and Memorandum [date of use 16 Nov 2010]

SAPS 2008/2009

SAPS 2008/2009 National Crime Statistics released by Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa during September 2009 [date of use 7 Jul 2010]

SAPS 2009/2010

SAPS 2009/2010 National Crime Statistics released by Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa on 21 September 2010 [date of use 21 Sep 2010]






How to Cite

van der Walt, T. (2017). The Use of Force in Effecting Arrest in South Africa and the 2010 Bill: a Step in the Right Direction. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 14(1), 137-162.

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