Korporatiewe Identiteit as die Basis van Strafregtelike Aanspreeklikheid van Regspersone (2): Die Praktyk
Criminal liability, doctrine of identification, vicarious liability, juristic persons, organisational theory, corporate identity, corporate cultureAbstract
aving regard to the corporate culture which had existed within the body corporate that directed, encouraged or tolerated the criminal conduct. This approach is often regarded as the most sophisticated and comprehensive model for corporate criminal liability. The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of the United Kingdom of 2007 provides that a jury may take into consideration the extent to which the evidence shows that there were attitudes, policies, systems or accepted practices within an organisation that were likely to have encouraged failure to comply with health and safety legislation. The corporate culture or corporate identity model is not the exclusive model of attribution in these jurisdictions. It does, however, go a long way towards recognising true corporate or organisational fault. Corporate acts are not merely reduced to the fault of individuals but are rather based on the manner in which the corporation is structured.
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Allens Arthur Robinson ‘Corporate Culture’ as a Basis for the Criminal Liability of Corporations Prepared by Allens Arthur Robinson for the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights and Business (2008)
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Clough en Mulhern Prosecution of Corporations
Clough J en Mulhern C The Prosecution of Corporations (Oxford University Press Melbourne 2002)
Du Toit en Pienaar 2011 PER
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Fleming Law of Torts
Fleming JG The Law of Torts 6de uitg (The Law Book Company Limited Sydney 1983)
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Hall, Johnstone en Ridgeway Reflection on Reforms
Hall A, Johnstone R en Ridgeway A Reflection on Reforms: Developing Criminal Accountability for Industrial Deaths: National Research Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Working Paper 33 (2004)
Matthews Blackstone’s Guide
Matthews R Blackstone’s Guide to the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (Oxford University Press New York 2008)
McKerron Law of Delict
McKerron RG The Law of Delict - A Treatise on the Principles of Liability for Civil Wrongs in the Law of South Africa 7de uitg (Juta Kaapstad 1971)
Nana Corporate Criminal Liability
Nana CN Corporate Criminal Liability in the United Kingdom: Determining the Appropriate Mechanism of Imputation (PhD-proefskrif Robert Gordon University 2009)
Neethling, Potgieter en Visser Deliktereg
Neethling J, Potgieter JM en Visser PJ Deliktereg 5de uitg (LexisNexis Butterworths Durban 2006)
Ormerod Criminal Law
Ormerod D Smith and Hogan Criminal Law (Oxford University Press New York 2008)
Pinto en Evans Corporate Criminal Liability
Pinto A en Evans M Corporate Criminal Liability 2e uitg (Sweet and Maxwell London 2008)
Reed en Fitzpatrick Criminal Law
Reed A en Fitzpatrick B Criminal Law (Sweet en Maxwell London 2006)
Ridley en Dunford 1997 ILJ
Ridley A en Dunford L "Corporate killing - Legislating for unlawful death?" 1997 ILJ 99-113
Wells 2004 SALJ
Wells C "Corporate Manslaughter: Why does Reform Matter?" 2004 SALJ 648-664
Wilkinson 2003 Canterbury Law Review
Wilkinson M "Corporate Criminal Liability - The Move Towards Recognizing Genuine Corporate Fault" 2003 Canterbury Law Review 142-178
Woolf 1997Crim LJ
Woolf T "The Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) - Towards a Realist Vision of Corporate Criminal Liability" 1997 Crim LJ 257-272
Register van hofsake
Guthrie v Doyle Dane & Bernbach Pty Ltd 1977 30 FLR 360
Universal Telecasters (Qld) v Guthrie 1978 32 FLR 360
Videon v Barry Burroughs Pty Ltd 1981 37 ALR 365
Andrews v Director of Public Prosecutions 1937 AC 567
R v Adomako 1995 1 AC 171
Register van wetgewing
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900
Criminal Code Act 1995
Trade Practices Act 1974
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
Register van staatspublikasies
Criminal Law Officers Committee Model Criminal Code
Criminal Law Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General Model Criminal Code: Final Report (1992)
Law Commission Legislating the Criminal Code
Law Commission Report Legislating the Criminal Code: Involuntary Manslaughter Item 11 of the Sixth Programme of Law Reform: Criminal Law (LAW COM 237) 1-158 (1996)
Ministry of Justice Guide to the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
Ministry of Justice A Guide to the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 1-21 (2007)
Ministry of Justice Understanding the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
Ministry of Justice Understanding the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 1-4 (2007)
Register van internetbronne
Crown Prosecution Service 2009 www.cps.gov.uk
Crown Prosecution Service 2009 CPS Advices First Corporate Manslaughter Charge Under New Act www.cps.gov.uk/news/press_releases/124_09/ [datum van gebruik 8 Jan 2010]
Copyright (c) 2017 Pieter du Toit, Gerrit Pienaar

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.