Tenure Security Reformand Electronic Registration: Exploring Insights from English Law





Security of tenure, land registration, good governance, deeds registration practice, electronification, deeds registration system, communal land rights


This paper examines the potential significance of updating registration practices in resolving some of the issues about tenure security in a transformative context. It deals with the importance of good governance in the context of land administration and considers its impact on intended reforms. Land registration practice as an indicator of the quality of governance is scrutinised. The debate about the kinds of interests to be served by tenure security reforms is considered. A comparative law analysis demonstrates how demands for electronification, placed on registration systems, can reshape the process of securing tenure. The paper then highlights issues for further investigation and discussion.


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How to Cite

Mostert, H. (2017). Tenure Security Reformand Electronic Registration: Exploring Insights from English Law. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 14(3), 84-117. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2011/v14i3a2577

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