Liability for the Payment of Public School Fees
KEYWORDS, South African Schools Act, parental liability, guardian, custodian, persons who voluntary undertake the responsibility, public school fees, duty to maintain, contractual liability, stipulatio alteri, negotiorum gestio, unjustified enrichmentAbstract
The author highlights some legal issues regarding the liability of parents and other individuals to pay public school fees in the light of recent judicial precedent, specifically Fish Hoek Primary School v GW 2009 JOL 24624 (SCA). The various possible legal bases for the liability for such fees are examined. In this regard the common law duty to maintain as amended by legislation; contractual liability; and the concepts of household necessaries, stipulatio alteri, negotiorum gestio and unjustified enrichment are considered.
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Register of court cases
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Bestuursraad van die Laerskool Sentraal, Kakamas v Van Kradenburg 2008 JOL 21631 (NC)
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Calitz v Calitz 1939 AD 56
Cohen v Cohen 2003 3 SA 337 (SCA)
Durr v Schumann 1910)27 SC 21
Du Toit v Du Toit 1991 3 SA 856 (O)
F v F 2006 1 All SA 571 (SCA)
Fish Hoek Primary School v Welcome 2009 3 SA 36 (C)
Fish Hoek Primary School v GW 2009 JOL 24624 (SCA)
Forssman v Forssman 2007 JOL 20541 (W)
Grobbelaar v Grobbelaar 2002 JOL 9617 (T)
Hart v Forman 1905 22 SC 284
Herfst v Herfst 1964 4 SA 27 (W)
In re Estate Visser 1948 3 SA 1129 (C)
Jones v Jones 1970 2 SA 308 (R)
Joubert v Joubert 2008 JOL 21929 (C)
Kooverjee v Kooverjee 2006 JOL 17320 (C)
Lambrakis v Santam 2000 3 SA 1098 (W)
Martin v Mason 1949 1 PH B9 (N)
Matthee v MacGregor Auld 1981 4 SA 637 (Z)
MB v NB 2010 3 SA 220 (GSJ)
Mentz v Simpson 1990 4 SA 455 (A)
Mitchell v Mitchell 1904 TS 130
Niemeyer v De Villiers 1951 4 SA 100 (T)
Pepler v Molteno School Board 1912 CPD 519
Power v Power 2009 JOL 23848 (KZN)
Pretorius v Van Zyl 1927 OPD 226
R v Sachs 1953 1 SA 392 (A)
Reloomel v Ramsay 1920 TPD 371
Richter v Richter 1947 3 All SA 118 (W)
Schmidt v Schmidt 1996 2 SA 211 (W)
Scott v Scott 1946 WLD 399
Simleit v Cunliffe 1940 TPD 67
Slivkin v Hillel College 1922 TPD 402
Springvale Ltd v Edwards 1969 1 SA 464 (RA)
Smith v Carsen 1916 EDL 26
Smit v Smit 1980 4 All SA 52 (O)
Van der Harst v Viljoen 1977 1 SA 795 (C)
Van Vuuren v Sam 1972 2 SA 633 (A)
Van Zyl v Serfontein 1992 2 SA 450 (C)
Voortrekker Winkels (Ko-operatief) Bpk v Pretorius 1951 1 SA 730 (T)
Vryburg School Board v Cloete 1955 3 SA 355 (A)
Watson v Watson 1979 4 All SA 177 (AD)
Register of legislation and government documents
Child Care Act 74 of 1983
Children's Act 38 of 2005
Civil Union Act 16 of 2006
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
Divorce Act 70 of 1979
Education Affairs Act (House of Assembly) 70 of 1988 (repealed)
Maintenance Act 99 of 1998
Matrimonial Affairs Act 37 of 1953
Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984
Prescription Act 18 of 1943
Prescription Act 68 of 1969
South African Schools Act 84 of 1996
Copyright (c) 2017 Marita Carnelley

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.