What Should the Board of Management of a Pension Fund Consider when Dealing with Death Claims Involving Surviving Cohabitants
Pension Funds Act, pension fund member, death claims, factual dependants, mutual dependency, emotional and intimate or sexual bond, surviving cohabitants, spouse, dominant-servient test, factual dependency testAbstract
This note argues that the Adjudicator’s determination Hlathi should be welcomed by the pension funds industry because it clarifies the uncertain legal position that emerged in the wake of the judgment in Volks. It comments on the requirements in and implications of Hlathi for the pension funds industry and pension beneficiaries, and criticises the Adjudicator's determination as failing to expressly incorporate the emotional and intimate or sexual bond requirement in the new factual dependency test. It argues that while Hlathi appears to have reverted to the legal position that prevailed prior to Van der Merwe, the new test does not expressly incorporate the relevant requirement that a relationship of mutual dependence involves an emotional and intimate or sexual bond. As a result, the note is critical of this omission because it creates a potentially new uncertainty in the law, and calls on the current Adjudicator to clarify this matter.
Dyani Speculum Juris
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Register of legislation
Civil Union Act 17 of 2006
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act 27 of 1990
Pension Funds Act 24 of 1956
Pension Funds Amendment Act 11 of 2007
Register of court cases
Chittenden v Estcourt Butchery (Pty) Ltd Provident Fund and Another 2001 5 BPLR 2001 (PFA)
Cockcroft v Mine Employees Pension Fund 2007 3 BPLR 296 (PFA)
De Wilzem and Another v South African Retirement Annuity Fund 2005 2 BPLR 180 (PFA)
Ditshabe v Sanlam Marketers Retirement Fund (1) 2001 10 BPLR 2574 (PFA)
Ditshabe v Sanlam Marketers Retirement Fund (2) 2001 10 BPLR 2579 (PFA)
Dobie NO v National Technikon Retirement Pension Fund 1999 9 BPLR 29 (PFA)
Fourie v Central Retirement Annuity Fund 2001 2 BPLR 1580 (PFA)
Hlathi v University of Fort Hare Retirement Fund and Others 2009 1 BPLR 37 (PFA)
Jacobs NO v Central Retirement Annuity Fund and Another 2001 1 BPLR 1488 (PFA)
Kaplan and Another NNO v Professional and Executive Retirement Fund and Others 2001 10 BPLR 2541 (W)
Malatjie v Idwala Provident Fund 2005 1 BPLR 45 (PFA)
Maritz v Absa Groep Pensioenfonds PFA/GA/1387/00/KM (unreported)
Martin v Beka Provident Fund 2000 2 BPLR 196 (PFA)
Mashazi v African Products Retirement Benefit Provident Fund 2002 8 BPLR 3703 (W)
Matene v Noordberg Group Life-Assurance Scheme 2001 2 BPLR 1604 (PFA)
Mthiyane v Fedsure Life Assurance Ltd and Others 2001 7 BPLR 2230 (PFA)
Musgrave v Unisa Retirement Fund 2000 4 BPLR 415 (PFA)
Ramanyelo v Mine Workers Provident Fund 2005 1 BPLR 67 (PFA)
Satchwell v President of the Republic of South Africa and Another 2004 1 BPLR 5333 (CC)
Sithole v ICS Provident Fund and Another 2000 4 BPLR 430 (PFA)
Smith v Eskom Pension and Provident Fund 2009 3 BPLR 343 (PFA)
TWC and Others v Rentokil Pension Fund and Another 2000 2 BPLR 216 (PFA)
Van de Berg v Durban Pension Fund 2003 3 BPLR 4518 (PFA)
Van der Merwe and Another v Central Retirement Annuity Fund and Another 2005 5 BPLR 463 (PFA)
Van der Merwe and Others v The Southern Life Association Ltd and Another 2000 3 BPLR 321 (PFA)
Van Zyl v Delta Motor Corporation Salaried Provident Fund and Another PFA/EC/698/04/Z/CN (unreported)
Volks NO v Robinson and Others 2005 5 BCLR 446 (CC)
Wasserman v Central Retirement Annuity 2001 6 BPLR 2160 (PFA)
Wellens v Unsgaard Pension Fund 2002 12 BPLR 4214 (PFA)
Register of internet sources
Eskom Pension and Provident Fund www.eppf.co.za
Eskom Pension and Provident Fund 2009 Member's guide to benefits http://www.eppf.co.za/members/Members%20Guide.pdf [date of use 6 Nov 2009]
Copyright (c) 2017 Mtendeweka Owen Mhango

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