Jordan v Farber (1352/09) 2009 ZANCHC 81 (15/12/2009)
Attorney, breach of contract, cancellation of contract, conflict of interests, damages, enrichment, fraudulent misrepresentation, letting and hiring, matrimonial property, public policy, undue influence.Abstract
This case note deals with several aspects of the law of contract, such as public policy and validity, error, cancellation, repudiation, undue influence and damages. It concerns the case of an elderly couple who had to stop their farming operations because of ill health. The attorney whom they approached for assistance offered to lease the farm, equipment and animals from them in his personal capacity, although in his professional capacity he also drafted the contracts of lease. It later transpired that the attorney used his position to mislead the couple as regards the contracts in question and that he was guilty of unethical and unprofessional conduct. The couple applied to court to have the leases declared void, alternatively cancelled, and to have the attorney evicted from the farm. The order was granted; however, the discussion seeks to demonstrate that the couple were afforded only minimal justice in that they did not claim, nor were they granted, any damages. The various possibilities open to them in the circumstances are examined and the conclusion is that ventilating the matter by way of application was probably not the best manner in which to have sought assistance.
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Hutchison and Pretorius Contract
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Kerr Sale and Lease
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Kerr and Glover "Lease"
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Morris Technique in Litigation
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Nortje 2009 THRHR 517
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Steyn 2002 SALJ 253
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Van Rensburg et al "Contract"
Van Rensburg et al "Contract" in Joubert WA et al (eds) The Law of South Africa 2nd ed Vol 5(1) (LexisNexis Durban 2004) 218-355
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Visser et al Damages
Visser PJ et al Visser and Potgieter's Law of Damages 2nd ed (Juta Lansdowne 2003)
Register of cases
Afrox Healthcare Bpk v Strydom 2002 6 SA 21 (SCA)
Amalgamated Bank of South Africa Ltd v Lydenburg Passenger Services CC 1995 3 SA 314 (T)
Amalgamated Banks of South Africa Bpk v De Goede 1997 4 SA 66 (A)
Armstrong v Magid 1937 AD 260
Barkhuizen v Napier 2007 5 SA 323 (CC)
Bopape v Moloto 2000 1 SA 383 (T)
Botha (now Griessel) v Finanscredit (Pty) Ltd 1989 3 SA 773 (A)
Bredenkamp v Standard Bank Case 599/09 [2010] ZASCA 75 27 May 2010
Breedenkamp v Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd 2009 5 SA 304 (GSJ)
Breedenkamp v Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd 2009 6 SA 277 (GSJ)
Brisley v Drotsky 2002 4 SA 1 (SCA)
Brummer v Gorfil Brothers Investments (Pty) Ltd 1999 3 SA 389 (SCA)
Datacolor International (Pty) Ltd v Intamarket (Pty) Ltd 2001 2 SA 284 (SCA)
De Beer v Keyser 2002 1 SA 827 (SCA)
Gounder v Top Spec Investments (Pty) Ltd 2008 5 SA 151 (SCA)
Hofer v Kevitt 1998 1 SA 382 (SCA)
Law Society, Transvaal v Mathews 1989 4 SA 389 (T)
Miller v Muller 1965 4 SA 458 (C)
Napier v Barkhuizen 2006 4 SA 1 (SCA)
Patel v Grobbelaar 1974 1 SA 532 (A)
Plascon-Evans Paints Ltd v Van Riebeeck Paints (Pty) Ltd 1984 3 SA 623 (A)
Preller v Jordaan 1956 1 SA 483 (A)
Price Waterhouse Coopers Inc v National Potato Co-Operative Ltd 2004 6 SA 66 (SCA)
Sasfin (Pty) Ltd v Beukes 1989 1 SA 1 (A)
South African Forestry Co Ltd v York Timbers Ltd 2005 3 SA 323 (SCA)
Register of legislation
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
Formalities in Respect of Leases of Land Act 18 of 1969
Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984
Copyright (c) 2017 Jacolien Barnard, Chris Nagel

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.