The Influence of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on the Common Law Warranty Against Eviction: A Comparative Overview




Consumer protection, consumer remedies, quiet possession, common law of sale, warranty against eviction


The implementation of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA) has great implications for the South African common law of sale. In this contribution the influence of the CPA on the seller’s common law duty to warrant the buyer against eviction is investigated. Upon evaluation of the relevant provisions of the CPA, the legal position in the United Kingdom – specifically the provisions of the Sales of Goods Act of 1979 – is investigated.



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Dobson and Stokes Commercial Law

Dobson P and Stokes W (eds) Commercial Law 7th ed (Sweet & Maxwell Lon-don 2007)

Ervine Consumer Law in Scotland

Ervine WCH Green's Consumer Law in Scotland 4th ed (Thomson & Green Edinburgh 2008)

Evans-Jones and Smith "Sale"

Evans-Jones R and Smith A "Sale" in Zimmermann R , Visser DP and Reid K (eds) Mixed Legal Systems in Comparative Perspective (Juta Cape Town 2004) 271-300

Jacobs, Stoop and Van Niekerk 2010 PER

Jacobs W, Stoop PN and Van Niekerk R "Fundamental consumer rights un-der the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008: A critical overview and analysis" 2010 PER 302-508

Kahn Principles of Sale and Lease

Kahn E Principles of the Law of Sale and Lease 2nd ed (Juta Cape Town 2010)

Kerr Sale and Lease

Kerr AJ The Law of Sale and Lease 3rd ed (LexisNexis Durban 2004)

Kerr 1999 SALJ

Kerr AJ "The warranty against eviction in contracts of sale" 1999 SALJ 455-462

Kerr and Glover "Sale"

Kerr AJ and Glover G "Sale" in Joubert WA and Faris JA (eds) The Law of South Africa (Butterworths Durban 2000) vol 2, paras 75-86

Nagel Commercial Law

Nagel CJ (ed) Commercial Law 4th ed (LexisNexis Durban 2011)

Nagel 2005 SA Merc LJ

Nagel CJ "Die Regsposisie van 'n Verkoper waar Uitwinning Dreig" 2005 SA Merc LJ 375-381

Naudé 2007 Annual Survey of SA Law

Naudé T "The Law of Purchase and Sale" 2007 Annual Survey of SA Law 1041-1045

Sharrock Business Transactions Law

Sharrock R Business Transactions Law 8th ed (Juta Cape Town 2011)

Van Eeden Guide to the Consumer Protection Act

Van Eeden E A Guide to the Consumer Protection Act (LexisNexis Butter-worths Durban 2009)

Register of cases

South Africa

Albert v Pearse and The Master 1973 1 SA 827 (N)

Alpha Trust (Edms) Bpk v Van der Watt 1975 3 SA 734 (A)

Becker & Co (Pty) Ltd v Becker 1981 3 SA 406 (A)

Estate Marks v Pretoria City Council 1969 3 SA 227 (A)

Ex Parte Estate Bostock 1945 CPD 58

Ex Parte Fleishman 1983 4 SA 866 (E)

Glaston House (Pty) Ltd v Inag (Pty) Ltd 1977 2 SA 846 (A)

Göbel Franchises CC v Kadwa 2007 5 SA 456 (C)

Grand National Transport (Pty) Ltd v Du Plessis 1989 2 SA 495 (W)

Hollins v Registrar of Deeds 1904 TS 603

Katzeff v City Car Sales (Pty) Ltd 1998 2 SA 644 (C)

Lammers and Lammers v Giovannoni 1955 3 SA 385 (A)

Lavers v Hein & Far BK 1997 2 SA 396 (T)

Lorentz v Melle 1978 3 SA 1044 (T)

Mdakane v Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd 1999 1 SA 127 (W)

Nunan v Meyer 1905 22 SC 203

Par Excellence Colour Printing (Pty) Ltd v Ronnie Cox Graphic Supplies (Pty) Ltd 1983 1 SA 295 (A)

Plit v Imperial Bank Ltd 2007 1 SA 315 (SCA)

Port Edward Town Board v Kay 1996 3 SA 664 (A)

Van der Westhuizen v Arnold 2002 6 SA 453 (SCA)

Van Staden v Pretorius 1965 1 SA 852 (T)

Vrystaat Motors v Henry Blignaut (Edms) Bpk 1996 2 SA 448 (A)

Watt v Standard Bank National Industrial Credit Corporation 1982 2 SA 47 (D)

United Kingdom

McDonald v Provan (of Scotland Street) Ltd 1960 SLT 231

Microbeads v Vinhurst Road Markings 1975 1 WLR 218

Niblett Ltd v Confectioners Materials' Co 1921 3 KB 387

Rowland v Divall 1923 2 KB 500

Rubicon Computer Systems Ltd v United Paints Ltd 2000 2 TCLR 453

Register of legislation

South Africa

Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

National Credit Act 34 of 2005

United Kingdom

Sales of Goods Act 1979

Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977

Register of government publications

GN 294 in GG 34181 of 1 April 2011

Register of Internet sources

Farlex Date Unknown

Farlex Date Unknown Free Legal Dictionary [date of use 27 Jul 2012]






How to Cite

Barnard, J. (2017). The Influence of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on the Common Law Warranty Against Eviction: A Comparative Overview. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 15(5), 347-376.

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