Some comments on the current (and future) status of Muslim personal law in South Africa
The state law of South Africa consists of the common law and the customary law. However, in reality there exist various cultural and religious communities who lead their private lives outside of state law. For example, the Muslim community in South Africa is a close-knit community which lives according to their own customs and usages. Muslims are subject to informal religious tribunals whose decisions and orders are neither recognised nor reviewable by the South African courts.
The non-recognition of certain aspects of Muslim personal law causes unnecessary hardships, especially for women. A Muslim woman is often in a "catch two" situation. For example, on the one hand her attempts to divorce her husband in terms of Muslim law may be foiled by the relevant religious tribunal and, on the other hand, the South African courts may not provide the necessary relief, because they might not recognise the validity of her Muslim marriage.
Increasingly, South African courts are faced with complex issues regarding the Muslim community. The last few years there has been a definite change in the courts' attitude with regard to the recognition of certain aspects of Muslim personal law. Contrary to pre1994 court cases, the recent court cases attempt to develop the common law to give recognition to certain aspects of Muslim personal law. This article attempts to give an overview of the recent case law that dealt with issues regarding the recognition of aspects of Muslim personal law.
Another issue, which eventuates from the current situation, is whether the South African legal order should continue to have a dualistic legal order or whether we should opt for a unified legal order or even a pluralistic legal order. In order to address this issue, some comments on the current status of Muslim personal law will be made and, finally, in order to contribute to the debate regarding the recognition of Muslim personal law, optional models for the recognition of Muslim personal law will briefly be evaluated.
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Amar v Amar 1999 3 SA 604 (W)
Amod v Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund (Commission for Gender Equality Intervening) 1999 4 SA 119 (SCA)
Amod v Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund 1998 4 SA 753 (CC)
Amod v Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accident Fund 1997 12 BCLR 1716 (D)
Bhe v Magistrate, Khayelitsha; Shibi v Sithole; South African Human Rights
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Bronn v Fritz Bronn's Executors (1860) 3 Searle 313
Daniels v Campbell 2003 9 BCLR 969 (C)
Daniels v Campbell 2004 7 BCLR 735 (CC)
Du Plessis v De Klerk 1996 5 BCLR 658 (CC)
Ismail v Ismail 1983 1 SA 1006 (A)
Langemaat v Minister of Safety and Security 1998 4 BCLR 444 (T)
Mohamed v Jassiem 1996 1 SA 673 (A)
Ryland v Edros 1997 2 SA 690 (C)
Ryland v Edros 1997 1 BCLR 77 (C)
Santam Bpk v Henery 1999 3 SA 421 (SCA)
Seedat's Executors v The Master (Natal) 1917 AD 302
Register of legislation
Black Laws Amendment Act 76 of 1963
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 200 of 1993
Divorce Act 70 of 1979
Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987
Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act 27 of 1990
Malaysian Islamic Family Law (Federal Territory) Act 1984
Marriage Act 25 of 1961
Marriage Act, Extension Act 50 of 1997
Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act 26 of 1937
Promotion and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000
Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998
South African Law Reform Commission Act 19 of 1973
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SALC Responses 1 Nov South African Law Reform Commission Responses and the names of the
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