Human Rights and the New Sustainable Mechanism of the Paris Agreement: A New Opportunity to Promote Climate Justice




Climate change, Paris Agreement, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM), human rights, climate justice


In the light of the new era of climate action under the Paris Agreement (PA) and the rights and justice issues raised by climate change-related policies and measures, this paper discusses the integration of a human rights component within the Sustainable Development Mechanism (SDM) of the PA. Established in article 6.4, the SDM is essentially a new mitigation mechanism available to all Parties aimed at helping them to achieve and increase their mitigation actions, while fostering sustainable development. Looking back at the experience of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol, which bears great resemblance to the SDM, as well as to the human rights concerns raised during its implementation, the integration of human rights considerations into the SDM and its governing rules seems to be necessary to prevent negative outcomes and human rights harms when implemented. The adoption of such rules, consistent with international human rights, could provide an opportunity for State Parties to operationalise the language included in the PA and tackle the climate change challenge, while ensuring respect for human rights.

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Author Biography

  • Paola Villavicencio Calzadilla, North-West University
    Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Law, North-West University




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List of Abbreviations

AJIL American Journal of International Law

CA Cancun Agreements

Camb Rev Int Aff Cambridge Review of International Affairs

CDM Clean Development Mechanism

CDM EB Clean Development Mechanism –Executive Board

CERs Certified Emission Reductions

CMA Conference of the Parties serving as the

meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement

CMR Carbon Mechanisms Review

COP20 20th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC

COP21 21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC

Cornell Int'l L J Cornell International Law Journal

DOEs Designated Operational Entities

EB Executive Board

Ecology L Q Ecology Law Quarterly

EIA Environmental Impact Assesment

Environ Sci Policy Environmental Science & Policy

FIDH International Federation for Human Rights

GHG Greenhouse gases

GIELR Georgetown International Environmental Law Review

HRC Human Rights Council

HRIAs Human rights impact assessments

IACHR Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Int Environ Agreem International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

JED Journal of Environment & Development

JEEPL Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law

JENRL Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law

JHRE Journal of Human Rights and the Environment

JSDLP Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy

KP Kyoto Protocol

LEAD Law, Environment and Development Journal

NDCs Nationally Determined Contributions

Nord Envtl L J Nordic Environmental Law Journal

OHCHR Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

PA Paris Agreement

PDD Project Design Document

REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

SD tool Sustainable development tool

SDM Sustainable Development Mechanism

UN United Nations

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change






How to Cite

Villavicencio Calzadilla, P. (2018). Human Rights and the New Sustainable Mechanism of the Paris Agreement: A New Opportunity to Promote Climate Justice. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 21, 1-39.

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