Editorial: Engaging with African Customary Law: Legal History in Contemporary South Africa
Legal history, oral tradition, sources of South African law, customary lawAbstract
This special edition consists of a selection of the contributions delivered an event on Custom, Oral History and Law: Writing South African Legal History, co-hosted by the Law School, University of Edinburgh and the Faculty of Law, North-West University.
Chanock M Law, Custom and Legal Order (Cambridge University Press 1985)
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
Du Plessis W “Afrika en Rome: Regsgeskiedenis by die Kruispad” 1992 De Jure 289-307
Gluckman M (ed) Ideas and Procedures in African Customary law (Oxford University Press London 1965)
Humby T et al (eds) Introduction to Law and Legal Skills (Oxford University Press Cape Town 2012)
Khunou SF Mountains of Spirit: The Story of the Royal Bakwena ba Mogopa of the North West, South Africa (Rainbird Sandton 2016)
Kuper H and Kuper L (eds) African law: Adaptation and Development (University of California Press 1965)
Visser DP (ed) Essays on the History of Law (Juta Cape Town 1989)
Copyright (c) 2017 Paul du Plessis, Willemien Du Plessis

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