An Overview of Fixed-Term Contracts of Employment as a Form of A-typical Employment in South Africa
Fixed term, employment contracts, automatic termination, fixed period, section 186(1)(b), Labour Relations Act, section 198B, 2014 legislative amendmentsAbstract
A fixed-term employment contract is an example of atypical or non-standard employment. Fixed-term appointments can have many benefits when utilised for proper and lawful reasons. These contracts are frequently abused, however, by unscrupulous employers and are generally regarded as providing less security to employees than permanent employment. The article considers the general use of fixed-term contracts and addresses selected issues pertaining to the 2014 amendments to the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 in as far as these contracts are concerned. The article also considers the potential effect these amendments might have on common historic problems associated with fixed-term contracts and highlights certain unresolved problem areas and uncertainties.
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