Challenges Surrounding the Adjudication of Women's Rights in Relation to Customary Law and Practices in Tanzania




Customary law and practice, women's rights, human rights, judicial enforcement, Tanzania


Women's rights litigation has produced varied outcomes in many African countries. Although courts have looked at the legislation that discriminates against women with different degrees of success, matters such as tradition and culture continue to be unpredictable when subject to lawsuit. In Tanzania, the judiciary has gradually begun to recognise that discrimination on a prescribed ground cannot be justified. However, this principle has not blocked some judges from maintaining that gender discrimination based on customary rules can still be justified, despite the existence of internal, regional and national human rights law, which prohibits it. It is contended that the judiciary has a significant role to play in ensuring that customary law and harmful traditional practices are reformed and advanced to comply with human rights legislation and ensure equality between men and women in Tanzania.


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How to Cite

Msuya, N. H. (2019). Challenges Surrounding the Adjudication of Women’s Rights in Relation to Customary Law and Practices in Tanzania. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 22, 1-29.

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