A Legal Perspective on Social Media Use and Employment: Lessons for South African Educators





Educators, Employment, Legal perspective, Social media



In this article, the author provides a legal perspective on the interplay between social media use and employment. The unique characteristics of social media are identified in order to frame the article before a number of considerations with regard to employment relationships that impact on deciding social media misconduct cases are deliberated upon. Thereafter, the author reflects on the implications of social media transgressions for educators' professions and contemplates the forms that social media misconduct by South African educators can take, with specific focus on defamation. Before the article reaches its conclusion, social media evidence and the impact of the unique characteristics of social media on users' legitimate expectations of privacy are also considered. The article concludes with a few guidelines on how educators can avoid the pitfalls that make social media use potentially hazardous to their employment.


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List of Abbreviations

Am J Pharm Educ American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education

Asia Pac J Hum Resour Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources

CARSA Child Abuse Research South Africa

CCMA Commission of Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration

CILSA Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa

ELRC Education Labour Relations Council

FDCC Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel

GTC General Teaching Council

Inf Commun Soc Information, Communication and Society

Iowa L Rev Iowa Law Review

JCMC Journal of Computer-mediated Communication

JILT Journal of Information, Law & Technology

Learn Media Technol Learning, Media and Technology

MALR Media and Arts Law Review

N Ky L Rev Northern Kentucky Law Review

NDDP National Director of Public Prosecutions

PELJ Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal

Rich J L & Tech Richmond Journal of Law and Technology

SA Merc LJ South African Mercantile Law Journal

SACE South African Council for Educators

SAJLR South African Journal of Labour Relations

SALJ South African Law Journal

Val U L Rev Valparaiso University Law Review






How to Cite

Coetzee, S. A. (2019). A Legal Perspective on Social Media Use and Employment: Lessons for South African Educators. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 22, 1-36. https://doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2019/v22i0a5778

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