Deciphering Dangerousness: A Critical Analysis of Section 286A and B of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977




dangerous criminals, crime, discretion, preventative detention, indeterminate sentence, Canadian Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Act, fair trial, constitutionality, psychiatric enquiry, community safety, under-utilised


The violent nature of some crimes and the high crime rate in South Africa reflect the fact that some offenders constitute a real threat to the security of communities. It is understandable, therefore, that the state seeks to protect its citizens through preventive measures. Although South Africa has certain legal provisions on its statutory books, it seems that the declaration of persons as dangerous criminals is under-utilised. South African legislation dealing with the declaration of dangerous criminals can be improved by borrowing some traits of the Canadian legislation. Such features include the restriction of courts' discretion and the provision of concrete and more detailed guidelines on the nature of the offences for which the provision can be applied. The courts could also take into account the type of criminal history of the offender which would merit the declaration of a dangerous criminal. It is also important that the extent of the violence in an offence should be thoroughly defined in court. Courts need to balance their wide discretion on the matter with the provisions in the Act in order to protect the community against dangerous criminals.




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Author Biographies

  • Windell Nortje, University of the Western Cape

    Dr Windell Nortje

    Associate Lecturer

    Foundation Programme

    Faculty of Law

    University of the Western Cape


  • Abraham Hamman, Senior Lecturer, University of the Western Cape

    Senior Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of the Western Cape


    Department Criminal Justice and Procedure

  • Chesne Albertus, Senior Lecturer

    Senior Lecturer

    Department Criminal Justice and Procedure, Law Faculty, University of the Western Cape



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List of Abbreviations

Colum Hum Rts L Rev Columbia Human Rights Law Review

Dalhousie J Legal Stud Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies

FSR Federal Sentencing Reporter

IJOTCC International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology

NICRO National Institute for Crime Prevention and the Reintegration of Offenders

SCA Supreme Court of Appeal






How to Cite

Nortje, W., Hamman, A., & Albertus, C. (2019). Deciphering Dangerousness: A Critical Analysis of Section 286A and B of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 22, 1-25.

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