Remedial Principles and Meaningful Engagement in Education Rights Disputes




Meaningful engagement, constitutional education rights, school governance, public law remedial principles, participatory remedies, supervisory orders, Susan Sturm.


 This article evaluates the meaningful engagement doctrine in the education rights jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court in the light of a set of normative principles developed by Susan Sturm for evaluating participatory public law remedies. It commences by identifying four principles for evaluating participatory remedies appropriate to South African constitutional law and jurisprudence. Thereafter the relevant jurisprudence is analysed and evaluated in the light of these principles. The article concludes by making proposals for the development of meaningful engagement as a participatory remedy in educational rights disputes. These proposals seek to ensure a better alignment between the meaningful engagement remedy and the four remedial principles identified. 


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Author Biography

  • Sandra Liebenberg, University of Stellenbosch

    BA LLB (UCT) LLM (Essex) LLD (Witwatersrand University). Distinguished Professor and H.F.Oppenheimer Chair in Human Rights Law, University of Stellenbosch. Email:



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How to Cite

Liebenberg, S. (2017). Remedial Principles and Meaningful Engagement in Education Rights Disputes. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 19, 1-43.

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