The Resonance of Colonial Era Customary Codes in Contemporary Uganda




Customary law, recording customary law, colonial codification, colonialism, post-colonialism, semi-autonomous social field, legal anthropology, legal pluralism, Kabaka, Uganda, Buganda, Baganda, Mukono District


Colonial era codifications of customary law – especially those codified in indigenous first languages – have a resilient capacity to form and inform living customary law. In the context of Mukono District, Uganda, modern conceptions of customary law are informed and shaped by colonial era codifications promulgated by the British Protectorate and the Kingdom of Buganda. This research insight offers practical benefits to those seeking to promote access to justice and human rights development in Mukono District. Such benefits speak to the potential vitality and relevance of colonial era customary codifications. Misgivings about the alien influences and exploitative purposes that distorted and corrupted colonial era codes do not warrant disregard of their active legacy within modern customary legal frameworks. The use of receptive research approaches such as those developed and modelled by Sally Falk Moore can help ensure the ongoing influence of colonial era codes are not hidden by contemporary orthodoxies and biases.




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Special Edition: Determining the Content of Indigenous Law

How to Cite

Dennison, D. B. (2019). The Resonance of Colonial Era Customary Codes in Contemporary Uganda. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 22, 1-25.

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