Prosecuting the Offence of Misappropriation of Public Funds: An Insight into Cameroon's Special Criminal Court
corruption, misappropriation of public funds, Special Criminal Court, embezzlement, political corruption.Abstract
The fight against the misappropriation of public funds for private gain perpetrated by individuals, especially public servants, enjoys different degrees of commitment by different countries. The enactment of laws and establishment of institutional mechanisms towards this end are partly a reflection of the attainment of such mission and can also be the measure by which such a commitment can be assessed. Rated as one of the most corrupt countries in Africa by the global anti-corruption watchdog, Transparency International, the Republic of Cameroon recently enacted a law that created a Special Criminal Court. This comes as one of the most robust and significant legislative developments in the fight against misappropriation of public funds as its mandate is to bring to justice persons who cause loss of at least 50.000.000 CFA Francs [equivalent to about USD 100.000] relating to misappropriation of public funds and other related offences provided for in the Cameroon Penal Code and International Conventions ratified by Cameroon.’ This paper examines the offence of misappropriation of public funds, and looks at aspects of the Special Criminal Court as provided by the Law that established it as well as supplementary legislation enacted to address specific issues related to the Special Criminal Court as well as the offence for which individuals are prosecuted. As a bold step in fighting and defeating the ‘invisible enemy amongst us’ (that is, corruption), this paper argues that with such an institutional mechanism that has docked numerous top-notch politicians and former cabinet members for trial, it becomes an example to emulate and confirms that corruption can be fought if, and only when, the political will to do so is present.
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Case law
Ministère Public et Etat du Cameroun C/ Atangana Mebara Jean-Marie, Inoni Ephraim, Otele Essomba Hubert Patrick Marie, Kevin Joseph Walls Tribunal Criminel Spécial, Yaoundé, Arrêt No 28/CRIM/TCS du 02 Octobre 2013
Ministère Public et Etat du Cameroun (Ministère de l'Education de Base – Partie civile) C/ Haman Adama née Halimatou Kangue Maonde, Baoro née Azo'o Nkoulou Christine, Malonga Isoa née Nnoukou Annick Joëlle, Willayi Richard, Zega Stanislas, Mvondo Nyina Barthelemy, Mbeng Boniface Blaise, Besong John Besong, Ntsama Zoa Pierre, Ngo Um Deborah Angèle, Fouda François, Matat Joseph, Mekougou Ondoa Joseph et Lebongo Blaise Tribunal Criminel Spécial, Yaoundé, Arrêt No. 026/CRIM/TCS du 19 Septembre 2013
Ministère Public et Etat du Cameroun (Ministère des Finances – Partie Civile) C/ Yen Eyoum Lydienne épse Loyse, Abah Abah Polycarpe,
Engoulou Henri, Baleng Maah Célestin, Ngwem Honoré Tribunal Criminel Spécial, Yaoundé, Arrêt No 021/CRIM/TCS/14 du 26 Septembre 2014 Tanyi Schwartz, Egbe Samuel, Eyong Fidelis v The People Court of Appeal, North West Province, Bamenda, Suit No BCA/3C/94
The People of Cameroon v Check Emmanuel & Sofa Meji Stanislaus High Court of Mezam Division, Bamenda, Suit No HCMB/75C/2015
The People of Cameroon v Killi James & Mbanong Christian High Court of Mezam Division, Bamenda, Suit No HCMB/24C/2014
Law No 90-61 of 19 December 1990
Law No 003/2006 of 25 April 2006 Relating to the Declaration of Assets and Property
Law No 2005/007 of 27 July 2005 (Criminal Procedure Code)
Law No 2006/015 of 29 December 2006 (Law on Judicial Organisation) Law No 2006/16 of 29 December 2006
Law No 2008/015 of 29 December 2008 (Law on the Organisation, Functioning and Competence of Military Tribunals)
Law No 2011/028 of 14 December 2011 Law No 2012/011 of 16 July 2012
Law No 65-LF-24 of 12th of November 1965 (Book I of the Penal Code) Law No 67-LF-1 of the 12th of June the 1967 (Book II of the Penal Code) Presidential Decree No 2012/223 of 15 May 2012
Presidential Decree No 2013/131 of 03 May 2013 Presidential Decree No 2013/288 of 04 September 2013 The 1996 Constitution
The Penal Code
Ministerial Correspondence 214/CR/CAB/MINETAT/MJ/GDS of 18 September 2013
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