South Africa's Journey to Climate Change Regulation: Earthlife Africa Johannesburg v Minister of Environmental Affairs 2017 2 All SA 519 (GP)
Climate change, regulatory framework, South AfricaAbstract
Concerns over climate change are increasingly reaching an urgent level. Many countries have begun focusing their efforts on mitigating its devastating impact. At the same time countries need to ensure their economic growth and development, thus calling for greater energy usage leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions. As the environment struggles to adapt to the rapid changes brought about by climate change, the effects are felt by the most vulnerable of the world's population. Reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have outlined the reasons and the effects of climate change providing actions required to mitigate these effects. Unfortunately developing countries, including South Africa, are the most affected. The current energy system in the country is primarily based on fossil fuels, which emit the greatest amount of greenhouse gases. To ensure that South Africa mitigates the impact, government needs to safeguard and promote sustainable development. To do this South Africa should weigh its energy mix in relation to the environment and the wellbeing of its citizens. A comprehensive and robust regulatory framework on climate change is required thus ensuring the achievement of South Africa's developmental goals well into the future and ensuring participation in the global effort against climate change. Earthlife Africa Johannesburg v Minister of Environmental Affairs 2017 2 All SA 519 (GP) signifies a good start towards the effective regulation of climate change in South Africa.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Helen Papacostantis

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.