Section 30P of the Pension Funds Act: A Review, Appeal or What?




Section 30P, Adjudicator, Appeal, Review, Reconsideration, Pension Funds Act, high court, aggrieved person, application


Section 30P of the Pension Funds Act 24 of 1956 (hereafter PFA) is an important procedural tool that allows those dissatisfied with the Pension Funds Adjudicator's determinations to apply to the High Court for such determinations to be set aside. This article discusses this section and demonstrates that neither the legislature nor the courts have provided clarity on whether what is intended by this section is an appeal, a review or a reconsideration of determinations of the Pension Funds Adjudicator. It also illustrates the confusion that has been created by the courts with the High Court referring to this procedure as sui generis and the Supreme Court of Appeal, without referring to previous High Court decisions, referring to this procedure as an appeal in the wide sense. In this article a reflection on whether these two formulations are synonymous or if there is a need to settle for only one of them will be made. Furthermore, a call for judicial reconsideration of the applicability of the Plascon-Evan Rule in section 30P applications will be made in this article.


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Author Biography

  • Motseotsile Clement Marumoagae, University of the Witwatersrand

    Associate Professor, University of Witwatersrand





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Case law

Altron Group Pension Fund v Thompson CSF South African Pension Fund (2008/25327) [2010] ZAGPJHC 196 (15 April 2010)

Associated Institutions Pension Fund v Van Zyl 2005 2 SA 302 (SCA)

Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs 2004 4 SA 490 (CC)

Beqfin (Pty) Ltd v Ntane (02662/2013) [2013] ZAGPJHC 202 (12 August 2013)

Bidvest South Africa Retirement Fund v Siphuma (Financial Services Tribunal) (unreported) case number PFA32/2022 of 19 September 2022

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Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Van der Merwe 2016 1 SA 599 (SCA)

Darries v Sheriff, Magistrate's Court, Wynberg 1998 3 SA 34 (SCA)

De Beers Pension Fund v Pension Funds Adjudicator 2003 6 BPLR 4764 (C)

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Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Financial Sector Regulation Act 9 of 2017

Government Employees Pension Law (Proclamation 21) of 1996

Magistrates Court Act 32 of 1944

Pension Funds Act 24 of 1956

Post and Telecommunications-related Matters Act 44 of 1958

Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000

Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013

Transnet Pension Fund Act 62 of 1990

Government publications

Uniform Rules of Court (published in GN R48 in GG 999 of 12 January 1965, as amended up to 1 December 2020)

Internet sources

Cambridge Dictionary Date Unknown Reconsideration accessed 19 February 2022

Government Employees Pension Fund 2021 The GEPF Launches the Government Employees Pension Ombud (GEPO) Office accessed 19 February 2022

Government Employees Pension Ombud Office Date Unknown About the Pension Ombuds Office accessed 19 February 2022

Khumalo S Date Unknown Noteworthy Financial Services Tribunal Rulings accessed 19 February 2022

Lukhaimane M 2018 PFA Decisions Can Be Taken on Appeal to Financial Services Tribunal PFA%20decisions%20can%20be%20taken%

on%20appeal%20to%20financial%20services%20tribunal%20(FANEWS%204%20Sept%202018).pdf accessed 19 February 2022






How to Cite

Section 30P of the Pension Funds Act: A Review, Appeal or What? (M. C. Marumoagae , Trans.). (2023). Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 26, (Published on 4 April 2023) pp 1 - 39.

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