Perfecting a General Notarial Bond: You Can't Have your Cake and Eat It! ABSA Bank Limited v Go on Supermarket (Pty) Limited (The Spar Group Limited intervening) (9442/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 173 (24 March 2022)
notarial bonds, reservation of ownership, pledge, secured transactions, Law reform, Real security law, delivery, constitutum possessoriumAbstract
A general notarial bond registered over movable property grants the bondholder a real security right enforceable against third parties only if the bond has been perfected by transferring possession of the property to the bondholder. Based on the facts and judgment in Absa Bank Limited v Go On Supermarket (Pty) Limited, this analysis revisits the basic principles of and requirements for the perfection of a general bond. We ultimately criticise the judgment on three scores. Firstly, the court regarded the form of delivery (transfer of possession) applicable in this matter as symbolic delivery, but we point out that it amounted to constitutum possessorium – meaning that the attempted perfection of the bond was ineffective. Secondly, the parties conceded and the court accepted that the general bond could not be perfected over property subject to the special notarial bond of another creditor. We reason that this is incorrect. It is indeed possible to attach property subject to the security right of another creditor, although the first creditor's rights will be preferred over those of the creditor who subsequently attached the property. Thirdly, the court rejected the argument that the general bond could not be perfected over property owned by another creditor in terms of a reservation-of-ownership clause in a sale agreement. However, the court should not have rejected this argument, since it was correct. A general bond indeed cannot cover property belonging to someone other than the debtor, unless the person agreed, and thus it was not possible in this case to attach the property belonging to someone other than the debtor.
Brits R Real Security Law (Juta Cape Town 2016)
Gane P The Selective Voet, Being the Commentary on the Pandects by Johannes Voet and the Supplement to that Work by Johannes van der Linden - Vol 3 (Butterworths Durban 1956)
Muller G et al Silberberg and Schoeman's The Law of Property 6th ed (LexisNexis Durban 2019)
Scott TJ and Scott S Wille's Law of Mortgage and Pledge in South Africa 3rd ed (Juta Cape Town 1987)
Case law
Absa Bank Limited v Go On Supermarket (Pty) Limited (The Spar Group Limited Intervening) (9442/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 173 (24 March 2022)
Bank Windhoek Bpk v Rajie 1994 1 SA 115 (A)
Bloemfontein Municipality v Jacksons Limited 1929 AD 266
Contract Forwarding (Pty) Ltd v Chesterfin (Pty) Ltd 2003 2 SA 252 (SCA)
Cooper v Die Meester 1992 3 SA 60 (A) DOI:
De Wet v Die Bank van die OVS Bpk 1968 2 SA 73 (O)
EA Platt v H Escombe and Ramasammy Naidoo (1879-1880) 1 NLR 69
Erasmus v M Rosenberg Ltd 1910 TPD 1188
FirstRand Bank Limited v The Spar Group Limited 2021 2 All SA 680 (SCA)
Francis v Savage and Hill (1881-1884) 1 TS 33
Goldinger's Trustee v Whitelaw & Son 1917 AD 66
Groenewald v Van der Merwe 1917 AD 233
Ikea Trading und Design AG v BOE Bank Ltd 2005 2 SA 7 (SCA)
Juglal v Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd t/a OK Franchise Division 2004 5 SA 248 (SCA)
Lesedi Secondary Agricultural Co-operative Ltd v Vaalharts Agricultural Co-operative 1993 1 SA 695 (NC)
Lighter & Co v Edwards 1907 TS 442
Payn v Yates (1891-1892) 9 SC 494
Pick 'n Pay Retailers (Pty) Ltd v Pine Valley Supermarket (Pty) Ltd (8209/2014) [2015] ZAKZDHC 27 (20 March 2015)
Quin v Mego (1895) 2 Off Rep 141
Vasco Dry Cleaners v Twycross 1979 1 SA 603 (A)
S v Buitendag 1980 2 SA 152 (T)
Schoeman v Aberdeen Trading Co (Pty) Ltd 1955 1 SA 100 (C)
Sterling v Landau 1921 WLD 117
Stratford's Trustees v The London and South African Bank (1883-1884) 3 EDC 439
The Matabeleland Trading Association Ltd v Bikkers 1927 SR 78
Zandberg v Van Zyl 1910 AD 302
Companies Act 71 of 2008
Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937
Insolvency Act 24 of 1936
Magistrates' Courts Act 32 of 1944
National Credit Act 34 of 2005
Security by Means of Movable Property Act 57 of 1993
Copyright (c) 2023 Michel Koekemoer, Reghard Brits

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.