The Influence of Reasonableness in Determining Delictual or Tort Liability for Psychological or Psychiatric Harm in South African and English Law




Delict, English law, intentionally inflicted psychiatric harm, negligently inflicted psychiatric harm, primary victims, psychiatric harm, psychological harm, reasonableness, reasonable foreseeability, secondary victims, South African law, tort, tort of negligence


Due to a lack of authority in Roman-Dutch law in respect of claims for psychological harm, our courts in South Africa relied on English law for guidance, in particular the tort of negligence where emphasis is placed on reasonable foreseeability of harm. The courts in both jurisdictions generally face challenges with who exactly is entitled to claim, the quantification of the damages that should be awarded and how to limit delictual or tort liability emanating from these types of claims. South African law also followed English law in making the distinction between primary and secondary victims and as will be shown in this contribution, limiting liability in respect of secondary victims is problematic. The courts generally tread with caution in awarding damages for pure psychological or psychiatric harm and several policy considerations are taken into account when deciding to award damages or not. Nevertheless, as will be shown in this contribution, the courts in South Africa and the United Kingdom acknowledge these claims and have been developing the law around the cases that have come before them. What is rather interesting and prevalent though with regard to primary and secondary victim claims for psychological or psychiatric harm in these jurisdictions, is the implicit and explicit influence of "reasonableness" in determining delictual or tort liability for these types of claims. This will be explored further in this contribution.



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Author Biography

  • Raheel Ahmed, University of South Africa

    Raheel Ahmed. LLB LLM LLD (UNISA). Admitted Attorney, Conveyancer and Notary of the High Court of South Africa. Professor, Department of Private Law, University of South Africa.




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Case law


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South Africa

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United Kingdom

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Attiar v British Gas 1998 QB 304

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Bolton v Stone 1951 AC 850

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O v Rodes 2016 AC 219

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White v Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police 1999 2 AC 455

Wilkinson v Downton 1897 2 QB 57


South Africa

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996

United Kingdom

Administration of Justice Act, 1982

Protection from Harassment Act, 1997

Internet sources

Great Britain Department of Constitutional Affairs 2007 Consultation Paper: The Law on Damages (CP 9/07)

DepositedPapers/Files/DEP2009-1863/DEP2009-1863.pdf accessed 21 August 2023

Great Britain Law Commission 1998 Report on Liability for Psychiatric Illness (Law Com No 249) accessed 21 August 2023






How to Cite

Ahmed, R. (2023). The Influence of Reasonableness in Determining Delictual or Tort Liability for Psychological or Psychiatric Harm in South African and English Law. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 26, (Published on 9 November 2023) pp 1 - 35.

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