The Standard of the Reasonable Person in Determining Negligence – Comparative Conclusions


  • Raheel Ahmed University of South Africa



American la, bonus pater familias, children, delict, English law, fault, faute, French law, mental impairment, negligence, physical disability, reasonableness, reasonable expert, reasonable person, South African law, standard, the elderly, tort


The standard of the reasonable person or its equivalent, in general, is used in many jurisdictions to determine fault in the form of negligence. Although the standard is predominantly objective it is also subjective in that the subjective attributes of the person against whom the standard applies as well as the subjective circumstances present at the time of the delict or tort lend themselves to an objective-subjective application. In South African law, before a person can be judged according to the standard of the reasonable person, the person must first be held accountable. If a person cannot be held accountable, then the standard does not apply at all.

The general standard of the reasonable person cannot be applied to children, the elderly, persons with physical disabilities, persons with mental impairments or experts. Therefore, depending on the subjective attributes of the person against whom the standard is being applied, the standard may have to be adjusted accordingly. The general standard of the reasonable person would be raised when dealing with experts, for instance, and lowered when dealing with persons with physical disabilities.

This contribution considers whether the current application of the standard of the reasonable person in South African law is satisfactory when applied generally to all persons, no matter their age, experience, gender, physical disability and cognitive ability. The application of the standard of the reasonable person in South African law is compared to the application of the standard of the reasonable person or its equivalent in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and France. Just as South African law applies the standard of the reasonable expert to experts, this contribution explores whether the South African law should be developed to use similar adjusted standards when dealing with children, the elderly, persons with physical disabilities and so on.

The general standard of the reasonable person cannot be applied to children, the elderly, persons with physical disabilities, persons with mental impairments as well as experts. Thus depending on the subjective attributes of the person against whom the standard is being applied, the standard may have to be adjusted accordingly or if the person cannot be held accountable, not applied at all. The general standard of the reasonable person would for example be raised when dealing with experts and lowered when dealing with persons with physical disabilities.


This contribution considers whether the current application of the standard of the reasonable person in South African law is satisfactory when applied generally, to all persons, no matter their age, experience, gender, physical disability and cognitive ability. The application of the standard of the reasonable person in South African law is compared to the application of the standard of the reasonable person or its equivalent in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and France. Just as South African law applies the standard of the reasonable expert to experts, this contribution explores whether the South African law should be developed to use similar adjusted standards when dealing with children, the elderly, persons' with physical disabilities and so on.  



[1]        In French law bonus pater familias as three separate words is encountered (see para 3.4 below) whereas in South African law, bonus paterfamilias, as two separate words is encountered (see for example, Neethling and Potgieter Law of Delict 142-143). In this contribution, for the sake of uniformity and convenience, bonus pater familias as three separate words will be used.




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Cass civ 1 20 July 1976 74-10238, Bull civ 1976 I 270 218

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Cass civ 2 8 February 1962, Bull civ 1962 II 180

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TGI St Etienne 15 May 1974, Gaz Pal 1976 109

South Africa

Clark v Welsh 1976 3 SA 484 (A)

Eskom Holdings Ltd v Hendricks 2005 5 SA 503 (SCA)

Esterhuizen v Administrator, Transvaal 1957 3 SA 710 (T)

Hafajee v South African Railways and Harbours 1981 3 SA 1062 (W)

Herschel v Mrupe 1954 3 SA 464 (A)

iMvula Quality Protection v Loureiro 2013 3 SA 407 (SCA)

Jacobs v Chairman, Governing Body, Rhodes High School 2011 1 SA 160 (WCC)

Jones v Santam Bpk 1965 2 SA 542 (A)

Kruger v Coetzee 1966 2 SA 428 (A)

Louwrens v Oldwage 2006 1 All SA 197 (SCA)

Lymbrey v Jefferies 1925 AD 236

Medi-Clinic Ltd v Vermeulen 2015 1 SA 241 (SCA)

Minister of Safety and Security v Carmichele 2004 3 SA 305 (SCA)

Mukheiber v Raath 1999 3 SA 1065 (SCA)

R v Verster 1952 2 SA 231 (A)

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S v Campher 1987 1 SA 940 (A)

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S v Laubscher 1998 1 SA 163 (A)

Sea Harvest Corporation (Pty) Ltd v Duncan Dock Cold Storage (Pty) Ltd 2000 1 SA 827 (SCA)

Simon's Town Municipality v Dews 1993 1 SA 191 (A)

Van Wyk v Lewis 1924 AD 438

Weber v Santam Versekeringsmaatskappy Bpk 1983 1 SA 381 (A)

United Kingdom

Blake v Galloway 2004 1 WLR 284

Bolam v Friem Hospital 1957 1 WLR 582

Bolitho v City Hackney Health Authority 1998 AC 232

Cooke v Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland 1909 AC 229 (HL)

Glasgow Corporation v Muir 1943 AC 488

Gough v National Coal Board 1953 2 All ER 1283 (CA)

Hanbury v Hanbury 1892 8 TLR 559

Mansfield v Weetabix 1988 1 WLR 1263

Maynard v West Midlands RHA 1984 1 WLR 634

Morris v Marsden 1952 1 All ER 925

Mullin v Richards 1998 1 All ER 920 (CA); 1998 1 WLR 1304

Nettleship v Weston 1971 2 QB 691

Orchard v Lee 2009 PIQR P16

Philips v William Whitely Ltd 1938 1 All ER 566

Roberts v Ramsbottom 1980 1 All ER 7 (QBD); 1980 1 WLR 823

Roe v Minister of Health 1954 2 QB 66

Sidaway v Bethlem Royal Hospital 1985 AC 871

Vaughan v Menlove 1837 3 Bing NC 468; 132 ER 490 (CP)

Wilsher v Essex Area Health Authority 1987 QB 730

Wells v Cooper 1958 2 QB 265

Woolridge v Sumner 1963 2 QB 43

United States of America

Adams v Lopez 407 P 2d 50 (NM 1965)

Baker v Joyal 4 AD 3d 596, 771 NYS 2d 269 (2004)

Blakes v Blakes 517 So 2d 444 (La Ct App 1987)

Dellwo v Pearson 259 Minn 452, 107 NW 2d 859, 97 ALR 2d 866 (1961)

Dorais v Paquin 113 NH 187, 304 A 2d 369 (1973)

Fields v Senior Citizens Ctr Inc 528 So 2d 573, 581 (La Ct App 1988)

Fink v City of New York 206 Misc 79, 132 NYS 2d 172 (Sup Ct 1954)

First Nat'l Bank of Ariz v Dupree 136 Ariz 296, 665 P 2d 1018 (Ct App 1983)

Frazier v Common Wealth 845 A 2d 253, 260 (Pa Commw Ct 2004)

Frechette v Welch (1st Cir 1980) 621 F 2d 11

Goodfellow v Coggburn 98 Idaho 202, 203-204, 560 P 2d 873 (1977)

Goodrich v Blair 132 Ariz 459, 646 P 2d 890 (1982)

Gossett v Jackson 249 Va 549, 457 SE 2d 97 (1995)

Hancock-Underwood v Knight 670 SE 2d 720 (Va 2009)

Horton v Hinley 261 Ga 863, 413 SE 2d 199 (1992)

Howle v PYA/Monarch Inc 288 SC 586, 344 SE 2d 157 (1986)

Hudson v Old Guard Ins 3 A 3d 246 (Del 2010)

Jackson v McCuiston 448 SW 2d 33 (Ark 1969)

Lafayette Par Sch Bd v Cormier ex rel Cormier 901 So 2d 1197 (La Ct App 2005)

Lehmuth v Long Beach Unified Sch Dist 53 Cal 2d 544, 348 P 2d 887, 2 Cal Rptr 279 (1960)

Lenard v Dilley 805 So 2d 175 (La 2002)

Lugtu v Cal Highway Patrol 26 Cal 4th 703, 110 Cal Rptr 2d 528, 28 P 3d 249 (2011)

Lutzkovitz v Murray 339 A 2d 64, 93 ALR 3d 321 (Del 1975)

Massey v Scripter 1977 401 Mich 385, 258 NW 2d 44

Mastland Inc v Evans Furniture Inc 498 NW 2d 682 (Iowa 1993)

McGuire v Almy 8 NE 2d 760 (Mass 1936)

McNeely v M & M Supermarkets Inc 1980 154 Ga App 675, 269 SE 2d 483

Michigan Central Railroad v Hassenyer 48 Mich 205, 209-210 (SC 1882)

Moore v Preenell 1977 38 Md App 243, 379 A 2d 1246

Polmatier v Russ 537 A 2d 468 (Conn 1988)

Price v Kitsap Transit 125 Wash 2d 456, 886 P 2d 556 (1994)

Pritchard v Veterans Cab Co 63 Cal 2d 727, 408 P 2d 360, 47 Cal Rptr 904 (1965)

Purtle v Shelton 474 SW 2d 123 (Ark 1971)

Queen Ins v Hammond 374 Mich 655, 132 NW 2d 792 (1965)

Roberts v Ring 173 NW 437, 438 (Minn 1919)

Robins v City of Wichita 285 Kan 455, 172 P 3d 1187 (2007)

Robinson v Lindsay 92 Wash 2d 410, 598 P 2d 392 (1979)

Savage Indus v Duke 598 So 2d 856 (Ala 1992)

Sinai v Polinger Co 498 A 2d 520 (DC 1985)

St Mary's Hosp Inc v Bynum, Ark 1978 573 SW 2d 914

Steele v Holiday Inns Inc 626 So 2d 593 (Miss 1993)

Stewart v Jefferson Plywood Co 1970 255 Or 603, 469 P 2d 783

Swenson Trucking & Excavating Inc v Truckweld Equipment Co Alaska 1980 604 P 2d 1113

Torres v City of Los Angeles 58 Cal 2d 35, 372 P 2d 906, 22 Cal Rptr 866 (1962)

Trentacoast v Brussel 1980 82 NJ 214, 412 A 2d 436

Williams v Kearby 775 P 2d 670 (Kan App 1989)



French Civil Code of 1804

Law no 68-5 of 3 January 1968

Law no 85-677 of 5 July 1985

Law no 2007-308 5 March 2007

South Africa

Child Justice Act 75 of 2008

Child Justice Amendment Bill of 2019






How to Cite

Ahmed, R. (2021). The Standard of the Reasonable Person in Determining Negligence – Comparative Conclusions. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 24, 1-55.

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