The Road Accident Fund and serious injuries: the narrative test.
Road Accident Fund, serious injuries, non-pecuniary loss, permanent impairmentAbstract
The Road Accident Fund Amendment Act 19 of 2005 came into effect on 1 August 2008. This Act limits the Road Accident Fund’s liability for compensation in respect of claims for non-pecuniary loss to instances where a “serious injury” has been sustained. A medical practitioner has to determine whether or not the claimant has suffered a serious injury by undertaking an assessment prescribed in the Regulations to the Act. The practitioner has to complete a RAF 4 report. In doing so the practitioner must assess the injury in terms of the American Medical Association’s Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (6th ed). If the injury is considered to have resulted in less than 30 per cent of the whole person impairment the medical practitioner should apply the narrative test. The article focuses on the narrative test but also discusses reasons why the regulations do not fulfil the requirements of the Act; reasons why the Guides is not adequate to the task; the impact of the circumstances of an injured person on disability; problems with the existing wording of the narrative test; shortcomings on the RAf 4 form; the administrative process as well as the appeal tribunals.
Ahmed 2011 Risk Alert Bulletin
Ahmed R "RAF Case Law" 2011 Risk Alert Bulletin (5) 6
Rondinelli et al Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment
Rondinelli RD et al Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th ed (American Medical Association Chicago 2008) (AMA Guides)
Bertelsmann 2011 Risk Alert Bulletin
Bertelsmann E "Useful Tips for MVA Practitioners" 2011 Risk Alert Bulletin (4) 6
Venter Pretoria News
Venter Z ''Greedy' lawyers punished: Six struck off the roll, seven suspended; must repay millions to RAF' Pretoria News 30 September 2011
Register of case law
Daniels v RAF Unreported case no 8853/2010, Western Cape High Court
Engelbrecht v Road Accident Fund 2007 6 SA 96 (CC)
Law Society of South Africa v Minister of Transport 2010 11 BCLR 1140 (GNP)
Law Society of South Africa v Minister of Transport 2011 1 SA 400 (CC)
Mngomezulu v RAF Unreported case no 4643/2010, Gauteng High Court
Road Accident Fund v Mdeyide 2011 1 BCLR 1 (CC)
Smit v RAF Unreported case no 47697/2009, Gauteng High Court
Register of legislation
Health Professions Act 56 of 1974
Motor Vehicle Insurance Act 29 of 1942
Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996
Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996: Road Accident Fund Regulations, 2008. Government Gazette Number 31249, Notice Number 770 of 21 July 2008
Road Accident Amendment Act 19 of 2005
Internet [date of use 19 Dec 2011] [date of use 19 Dec 2011]
Copyright (c) 2017 Magda Slabbert, Herman J Edeling

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.