The Committee System for Competitive Bids in Local Government
Bid committees, Competitive bidding, Contracts, Government, Local government, Municipal manager, Municipalities, Procurement, Supply Chain Management, TendersAbstract
When a municipality contracts for goods or services, it must make use of competitive bidding / a public call for tenders for contracts over R200 000 as well as for long term contracts. A competitive bidding process generally consists of different stages, for example, compiling bid specifications, advertising the bid, the receipt and evaluation of bids, and the award and implementation of the contract. The Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations require a municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy to provide for a committee system to oversee the different stages. Such committee system must, moreover, consist of at least a bid specification committee, a bid evaluation committee and a bid adjudication committee. Until recently, little attention has been given by the courts to the roles and composition of the different committees in the committee system. It is only after government, and in particular, municipalities have begun to implement the committee system in their procurement processes that it is evident that problems are arising. In recent months, the courts have increasingly had to deal with issues pertaining to the implementation of the committee system.
In this article, the relevant legislative provisions on the committee system for competitive bids in local government are discussed. The functions of each committee are explained and all the cases that have thus far involved the implementation of the committee system are critically analysed. Much attention is given to the cases since they serve as a warning to municipalities to uphold and comply with the rules relating to the roles and composition of the different committees. The cases illustrate how important it is for municipalities to ensure that the different committees are properly constituted and that decisions at meetings are properly taken. They also highlight the importance of the supervisory role of the municipal manager over the different committees. In light of the cases it is clear that failure to comply with all the legislative requirements results in very costly litigation.
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Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996
GN 868 in GG 27636 of 30 May 2005
GN R725 in GG 22549 of 10 August 2001 Local Government Laws Amendment Act 51 of 2002
Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998
Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Act 1 of 2003 Local Government: Municipal Systems Amendment Act 44 of 2003
Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000
Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004
Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000
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Register of cases
Actaris South Africa (Pty) Ltd v Sol Plaatje Municipality, Intelligent Metering
Systems (Pty) Ltd (1357/2007) [2008] ZANCHC 73 (12 December 2008)
Entsha Henra BK v Hessequa Munisipaliteit 2008 JDR 0455 (C)
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Metro Projects CC and Another v Klerksdorp Local Municipality and Others 2004 1 SA 16 (SCA)
Millennium Waste Management (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson Tender Board:
Limpopo Province and Others [2008] 2 All SA 145 (SCA)
Minister of Social Development and Others v Phoenix Cash & Carry – Pmb CC [2007] 3 All SA 115 (SCA)
Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality v Afrisec Strategic Solutions (Pty) Ltd 2008 JDR 1014 (SE)
Ninham Shand (Pty) Limited v Municipal Manager City of Matlosana and Others
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R v Portsmouth City Council Ex parte George Austin (Builders) Ltd (6 June 1995) (unreported)
Renaissance Security and Cleaning Services CC v Rustenburg Local
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Total Computer Services (Pty) Ltd v Municipal Manager, Potchefstroom Local Municipality and Others 2008 4 SA 346 (T)
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aspx [date of use 11 June 2009]
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World Trade Organisation 1996 Government Procurement Agreement [date of use 29 Jan 2009]
Copyright (c) 2017 P Bolton

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