Consequences for Non-Payment of PAYE and VAT Compared




Agent, employees' tax, PAYE, remuneration, tax administration, trust relationship, value-added tax


This article shows that, whereas a bilateral legal relationship exists between the South African Revenue Service (SARS) and a vendor in relation to value-added tax (VAT), a tri-partite legal relationship exists among the SARS, employees and employers in relation to Pay As You Earn (PAYE). This article shows further that employers are, as withholding agents of PAYE, in the same legal position as vendors as regards VAT, namely, they are not in a trust or agency relationship with the SARS. Rather, this article argues that PAYE is in the nature of trust funds held by employers on behalf of employees from whose remuneration it is deducted. Since the employees retain ownership of the PAYE deducted, this article argues that employees have locus standi to lay a charge of theft against employers who misappropriate PAYE. Such a charge of theft is not grounded in tax administration. This article shows further that, as the law presently stands, a charge of theft falls outside the ambit of the remedies available to the SARS against employers and vendors who default in remitting PAYE or VAT. The Tax Administration Act, 2011 read with the Income Tax Act, 1962 and Value-Added Tax Act, 1991 codified only a limited range of criminal sanctions and administrative penalties that may be imposed against a defaulting employer or vendor. If theft is to be included, then a legislative amendment is required.



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Author Biography

  • Fareed Moosa, University of the Western Cape

    Senior Lecturer, Department of Mercantile Law




Olivier PA Trust Law and Practice (Haum Tertiary Pretoria 1990)

Case law

ABC (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (TC) (unreported) case number VAT 1626 of 3 March 2020

Africa Cash and Carry (Pty) Ltd v CSARS 2020 2 SA 19 (SCA)

AM Moolla Group Ltd v CSARS 2005 JOL 15456 (T)

Arprint Ltd v Gerber Goldschmidt (SA) Ltd 1983 1 SA 254 (A)

Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs & Tourism 2004 4 SA 490 (CC)

BMW South Africa (Pty) Ltd v CSARS 2020 1 SA 484 (SCA)

Brookes Lemos Ltd v CIR 1947 2 SA 976 (A)

Café Chameleon CC v Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd (WCC) (unreported) case number 5736/2020 of 26 June 2020

Carte Blanche Marketing CC v CSARS (GP) (unreported) case number 26244/2015 of 31 August 2020

CD v Department of Social Development (WCC) (unreported) case number 5570/2020 of 14 April 2020

CIR v Genn & Co (Pty) Ltd 1955 3 SA 293 (A)

CIR v People's Stores Walvis Bay (Pty) Ltd 1990 2 SA 353 (A)

CSARS v Beginsel 2013 1 SA 307 (WCC)

CSARS v Danwet 202 (Pty) Ltd 81 SATC 91

CSARS v Executor, Frith's Estate 2001 2 SA 261 (SCA)

CSARS v Hawker Air Services (Pty) Ltd: In re CSARS v Hawker Aviation Services Partnership 2006 4 SA 292 (SCA)

CSARS v Respublica (Pty) Ltd 81 SATC 175

CSARS v Trend Finance (Pty) Ltd 2007 6 SA 117 (SCA)

De Beers v Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (GP) (unreported) case number 21542/2020 of 2 June 2020

De Reuck v DPP, Witwatersrand Local Division 2004 1 SA 406 (CC)

Director of Public Prosecution, Western Cape v Parker 2015 4 SA 28 (SCA)

Eke v Parsons 2016 3 SA 37 (CC)

Estate Late GA Pitje v CSARS 66 SATC 219

Freedom Front Plus v President of the RSA (GP) (unreported) case number 22939/2020 of 6 July 2020

Grayston Technology Investment (Pty) Ltd v S 2016 4 All SA 908 (GJ)

Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd v KwaZulu Natal Law Society 2020 2 SA 325 (CC)

ITC 1902 80 SATC 77

ITC 1903 80 SATC 149

ITC 1908 80 SATC 299

ITC 1922 81 SATC 390

ITC 1928 82 SATC 252

Lifman v CSARS 81 SATC 289

Master Currency (Pty) Ltd v CSARS 2014 6 SA 66 (SCA)

Metcash Trading Ltd v CSARS 2001 1 SA 1109 (CC)

MP Finance Group CC (in Liquidation) v CSARS 2007 5 SA 521 (SCA)

Mohamed v Ally 1999 2 SA 42 (SCA)

Mohamed v President of the RSA 2020 7 BCLR 865 (GP)

Mr A & XYZ CC v CSARS (KZD) (unreported) case numbers IT13725, VAT1426, IT13727 and VAT1096 of 18 February 2018

Mr X v CSARS (TC) (unreported) case number 13720 of 27 March 2020

Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Endumeni Municipality 2012 4 SA 593 (SCA)

One South Africa Movement v President of the RSA 2020 3 All SA 856 (GP)

Pearse v CSARS (GP) (unreported) case number 10498/11 of 4 May 2012

Purlish Holdings (Pty) Ltd v CSARS 81 SATC 204

Pyott Ltd v CIR 1945 AD 128

R v Herholdt 1957 3 SA 236 (AD)

R v Milne and Erleigh 1951 1 SA 791 (AD)

R v Satisky 1915 CPD 574

R v Von Elling 1945 AD 234

Rampersadh v CSARS 81 SATC 163

Rogut v Rogut 1982 3 SA 928 (A)

S v Boesak 2000 3 SA 381 (SCA)

S v Graham 1975 3 SA 569 (A)

S v Heller 1971 2 SA 29 (A)

S v Ndebele 2012 1 SACR 245 (GSJ)

Singh v CSARS 2003 4 SA 520 (SCA)

SIP v Project Managers (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (T) (unreported) case number 11521/2020 of 30 April 2020

South African Reserve Bank v Shuttleworth 2015 5 SA 146 (CC)

South Atlantic Jazz Festival (Pty) Ltd v CSARS 2015 6 SA 78 (WCC)

Southern Life Association Ltd v CIR 47 SATC 15

Stroud Riley & Co Ltd v SIR 36 SATC 143

Van Rooyen v S 2002 5 SA 246 (CC)

Walele v City of Cape Town 2008 6 SA 129 (CC)

Wingate-Pearse v CSARS 2019 6 SA 196 (GJ)


Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964

Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002

Income Tax Act 58 of 1962

Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000

South African Revenue Service Act 34 of 1997

Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011

Value-Added Tax Act 89 of 1991

Government publications

GN 312 in GG 43096 of 15 March 2020

GN 313 in GG 43096 of 15 March 2020

GN 318 in GG 43107 of 18 March 2020

GN R398 in GG 43148 of 25 March 2020

GN R419 in GG 43168 of 26 March 2020

Internet sources

South African Revenue Service 2020 Tax Relief Measures accessed 20 July 2020

The Presidency 2020 President Cyril Ramaphosa: Escalation of Measures to Combat Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic accessed 20 July 2020






How to Cite

Moosa, F. (2020). Consequences for Non-Payment of PAYE and VAT Compared. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 23, 1-27.

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