Social Protection Instruments and Women Workers in the Informal Economy: A Southern African Perspective




Women, informal economy, international instruments, social protection, equality


The world of work has changed and in some instances a realisation now exists that certain forms of work are a reality and not a passing occurrence, and it is of the utmost importance that international regulation provides for this, including work in the informal economy. Specific vulnerable groups and challenges have been identified by international regulators and must now be addressed to extend protection to these workers. International regulation must promote freedom through the enhancement of the capabilities of these workers. International instruments can function as key strategic tools to address inequalities in the workplace by increasing the capabilities of vulnerable groups such as women through empowerment initiatives. The purpose of this contribution is to identify and critically consider the relevant international social security instruments of the ILO and the UN, the impact of international standards, and other global initiatives directed at the social protection of women workers in the informal economy.



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International instruments

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How to Cite

Fourie, E. (2021). Social Protection Instruments and Women Workers in the Informal Economy: A Southern African Perspective. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 24, 1-41.

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