Forfeiture to the State: Using Grammar to Interpret Section 35 of the Criminal Procedure Act




cognitive linguistics, forfeiture, grammar, instrument, language and law, Criminal Procedure Act, statutory interpretation, thematic roles


Section 35(1)(a) of South Africa's Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 allows a court of law to declare items forfeited to the state if they were used as weapons or instruments in aid of committing an offence. However, it is not always clear what qualifies as potential instruments of crime or what the proximity of the instrument is to the offence. For the purpose of statutory interpretation, this contribution identifies a grammatical construction frequently present in abstractions of offence descriptions as a means to identify an instrument and its direct involvement in an offence. It takes the form of the construction, "X does Y to Z with A", which contains the instrument prepositional phrase "with A". Read with other thematic roles like "Agent" and "Patient", the statutory interpreter should be able to determine both the relevant instrument role and its potential to affect a change in the object of a sentence, suggesting direct involvement. To better understand the grammar, this contribution modestly explains the Cognitive Linguistic approach to argument structure and thematic roles and briefly summarises Ronald Langacker's "action chain" model. The grammatical construction is then applied to examples taken from South African and Dutch case law dealing with forfeiture to illustrate its potential as a tool for interpretation.


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Author Biography

  • Terrence R Carney, University of South Africa

    BA(Hons) MA PhD. Associate Professor, College of Human Sciences, University of South Africa, South Africa. 




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Case law










South Africa

Attorney-General (Transvaal) v Steenkamp 1954 1 SA 351 (A)

Bhubezi Boerdery (Edms) Bpk v Minister of Justice 1965 1 SA 218 (T)

Chaplin v Fine (A115/2019) [2020] ZAWCHC 139 (21 July 2020)

Cool Ideas 1186 CC v Hubbard (CCT99/13) [2014] ZACC 16 (5 June 2014)

Ex Parte die Minister van Justisie 1968 1 SA 380 (A)

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Lueven Metals (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (31356/2021) 2022 ZAGPPHC 325 (19 May 2022)

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Media 24 Bpk v Ramsay, Son and Parker (Edms) Bpk 2006 5 SA 204 (C)

Namibian Association of Medical Aid Funds v Namibian Competition Commission (A348/2014) [2016] NAHCMD 80 (17 March 2016)

Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Endumeni Municipality (920/2010) [2012] ZASCA 13 (15 March 2012)

National Director of Public Prosecutions v RO Properties (Pty) Ltd (260/03) [2004] ZASCA 36 (13 May 2004)

Petersen v Minister of Police 2022 1 SACR 333 (WCC)

R v Corlett 1957 4 SA 1 (T)

R v Dawood 1947 2 SA 1097 (T)

R v Green 1941 WLD 209

R v Hurter 1948 3 SA 1180 (E)

R v Lourens 1949 1 SA 671 (N)

R v Makhubu 1957 4 SA 256 (C)

R v Moloto 1961 3 SA 496 (T)

R v Oosthuizen 1938 2 PHH 273

R v Swanepoel and Van Wyk 1930 TPD 214

Restivox (Pty) Ltd t/a Crazy Slots v Chairperson of the Free State Gambling, Liquor and Tourism Authority (6271/2018) [2020] ZAFSHC 80 (13 March 2020)

S v Bissessue 1980 1 SA 228 (N)

S v Cocklin 1971 3 SA 776 (A)

S v Hlangothe 1979 4 SA 199 (B)

S v Hoho 2009 1 SACR 276 (SCA)

S v Khan 1965 3 SA 783 (A)

S v Knutzen 1972 2 SA 488 (E)

S v Lewis (54/2024) [2024] ZAWCHC 59 (26 February 2024)

S v Matsane 1978 4 SA 66 (T)

S v Muharukua (CR 28/2020) [2020] NAHCNLD 65 (8 June 2020)

S v Nkepane 1973 1 SA 331 (O)

S v Noosi 1975 3 SA 521 (O)

S v Okah (CCT 315/16; CCT 193/17) [2018] ZACC 3 (23 February 2018)

S v Smith 1984 1 SA 583 (A)

S v Vermeulen 1995 2 SACR 439 (T)

S v Willemse 1966 3 SA 383 (O)

Smartpurse Solutions (Pty) Ltd v Firstrand Bank Ltd (35882/2022) [2024] ZAGPJHC 961 (26 September 2024)

UASA Union v Anglo American Platinum Limited (J400/23) [2024] ZALCJHB 199 (10 May 2024)

University of Johannesburg v Auckland Park Theological Seminary (CCT70/20) [2021] ZACC 13 (11 June 2021)

United States of America

Bailey v United States 516 US 137 (1995)

Smith v United States 508 US 223 (1993)


Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977

Criminal Procedure Act 56 of 1955

Diamonds Act 56 of 1986

Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act 140 of 1992

Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998






How to Cite

Carney, T. R. (2025). Forfeiture to the State: Using Grammar to Interpret Section 35 of the Criminal Procedure Act. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 28, (Published on 3 February 2025) pp 1-31.

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