In Search of the Perceived Quality and Impact of Accredited South African Law Journals: Exploring the Possibility of a Ranking System. A Baseline Study: 2009 - 2014


  • Marita Carnelley Faculty of Law at the North-West University



ranking, journals, law, quality, impact, subsidy, Department of Higher Education and Training, public universities


The DHET Research Output Policy (2015) indicates that there has been a change in the government’s approach to research funding. Previously all research published in any accredited journal was rewarded equally. A decision has been taken, however, that a shift will be made towards rewarding better quality and higher impact peer-review research. Additional mechanisms such as biometric/bibliometric data, including citations, assessments by discipline-specific panels of experts and/or post-publication reviews may be used to determine the quality and impact of publications. The policy notes that the DHET may distinguish between "high" and "low" impact journals after proper consultation.

This article highlights the need for consultation by the legal fraternity with the DHET about the implementation of these possible mechanisms in the light of the special considerations applicable to the evaluation of law journals: most journals publish mainly local legal content, there is a limited number of active legal academics, the nature of legal research is not empirical, and a premium is placed on the writing of books.

The research evaluates the available data between 2009 and 2014 in an attempt to assess if it would be appropriate to introduce a legal journal ranking system in South Africa. The article discusses direct and indirect forms of quality evaluation to inform possible ranking systems. This includes the data from the ASSAf expert panel evaluation of law journals in 2014 and other bibliometric data based on whether the journal is featured in international accredited lists, the size of its print-run, author prominence, rejection-rate, usage studies, and evaluations based on citations. An additional ranking system is considered, based on the five best outputs submitted to the National Research Foundation by applicants applying for rating.

The article concludes that a law journal ranking system would be inappropriate for South Africa. None of the systems meet the minimum requirements for a trustworthy ranking of South African law journals, as the data available are insufficient, non-verifiable and not based on objective quality-sensitive criteria. Consultation with the DHET is essential and urgent to avoid the implementation of inappropriate measures of quality and impact assessmen

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Author Biography

  • Marita Carnelley, Faculty of Law at the North-West University


    Faculty of Law




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AHRLJ African Human Rights Law Journal

Am B Found Res J American Bar Foundation Research Journal

Am Sociol Rev American Sociological Review

Annual Survey Annual Survey of the South African Law

Arizona L Rev Arizona Law Review

ASSAf Academy of Science of South Africa

ATF Australian Tax Forum

Bond LR Bond Law Review

CARSA Child Abuse Research in South Africa

CCMA Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration

CESifo Centre for Economic Studies Publishing Group

Chi-Kent L Rev Chicago-Kent Law Review

CILSA Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa

Colum J Gender & L Columbia Journal of Gender and the Law

Conn L Rev Connecticut Law Review

DHET Department of Higher Education and Training

EJIL European Journal of International Law

Fla St U L Rev Florida State University Law Review

GLJ German Law Journal

Haifa L Rev Haifa Law Review

HEFCE Higher Education Funding Council for England

IBSS International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

ILJ Industrial Law Journal

Ind LJ Indiana Law Journal

Int'l J Legal Info International Journal of Legal Information

Int'l Law The International Lawyer

ISI Thomson Reuters Web of Science (formerly

ISI Web of Knowledge)

IT Information Technology

J Bank Finance Journal of Banking and Finance

J Doc Journal of Documentation

J L & Soc'y Journal of Law and Society

JJS Journal of Juridical Science

JLA Journal of Legal Analysis

L Libr J Law Library Journal

LDD Law, Democracy and Development

Leg Ref Serv Q Legal Reference Services Quarterly

Loy LA L Rev Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review

Merc LJ South African Mercantile Law Journal

MULR Melbourne University Law Review

NMMU Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

NRF National Research Foundation

NSD Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals,

Series and Publishers

NYU L Rev New York University Law Review

NZ New Zealand

OCLC Online Computer Library Centre

PBRF New Zealand Performance-Based Research Fund

PER Potchefstroom Elektroniese Regstydskrif

RISA Research and Innovation Support and Advancement

SACJ South African Journal of Criminal Justice

SAJELP South African Journal of Environment al Law and Policy

SAJHR South African Journal of Human Rights

SAJS South African Journal of Science

SALJ South African Law Journal

SAYIL South African Yearbook of International Law

Sci Technol Hum Values Science, Technology and Human Values

SciELO Scientific Electronic Library Online

Stell LR Stellenbosch Law Review

THRHR Tydskrif vir Hedendaags Romeins-Hollandse Reg

Trends Ecol Evol Trends in Ecology and Evolution

TSAR Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg

U Tas LR University of Tasmania Law Review

UK United Kingdom

UKZN University of KwaZulu-Natal

UNSWLJ University of New South Wales Law Journal

US / USA United States of America

Va J Law Technol Virginia Journal of Law and Technology

WITS University of the Witwatersrand

Wm & Mary Envtl L & Pol'y Rev William and Mary Environmental Law and

Policy Review






How to Cite

Carnelley, M. (2018). In Search of the Perceived Quality and Impact of Accredited South African Law Journals: Exploring the Possibility of a Ranking System. A Baseline Study: 2009 - 2014. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 21, 1-50.

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